💬 Re: Micropublish channel support


In reply to: Re: Micropublish channel support

Oh, cool, I didn’t know channel support was a thing. That just might be what gets me to finally work on Micropub support for Publ, since I couldn’t really wrap my head around how I was going to support posting to arbitrary sections of my site with the current UX on any of the Micropub clients I knew about.

Time to finally brush up on the protocol to see what other excuses I have for not supporting it. 😉

💬 (no title)


In reply to: IWC East invite

Fluffy, I’m curious if you have time to do us all the kindness to deliver a 15-20 minute keynote on the topic of your choosing for the upcoming IndieWebCamp East 2020 on Saturday, November 14, 2020 some time between 10 and 11 am Eastern? Given the online nature of the camp it will take place via Zoom to an international audience and, as usual, will be recorded for posterity.

Oh, wow, thank you for the invitation, but I’ll have to decline, as the timing doesn’t really work for me, between traveling that week and also being in Pacific time.

I could possibly record something in advance instead, if that’s okay, although I’m spread a bit thin right now and I don’t think I could commit to that either.