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The other good thing was I finally figured out another bug that looked like something completely different and was confusing everyone, and I also got rid of a major application performance problem, but those seemed less fun to draw.


The permit was free, but as a way of thanking them I sent a $50 donation to the Midpeninsula Open Space District which manages the particular park. Chris loved this park, and making a contribution in memory of Chris Sturtivant would be appreciated. (The donation link is in the “about us” menu.) Better yet, consider donating to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, or any other marine wildlife conservation fund. (See the comments for the notification address to use.)

For what it’s worth, here are the regulations and request form.


The software in question is of course MacBreakZ (just BreakZ on the Mac App Store). It’s still not quite as good as Workrave in terms of the forcefulness of the user interface, but it does do a lot of things better than Workrave, and it’s certainly better than RSIGuard (the previous for-pay software I was using). The main downside is that the UI is still way too easy to circumvent, and like AntiRSI it’s way too easy to keep working even during a break. Still, it has a much better set of stretches and exercises, and it has the best microbreak implementation I’ve ever seen, so that alone should help a lot.


Tapering off

2011/12/12 11:06 PM

A big part of why I started doing daily journal and/or Good Things comics was to help me stay focused on the positive things in life and help mitigate some stress and depression I was going through. It worked quite a lot for a while, but unfortunately the toll of doing a daily comic has ended up becoming a source of stress of its own. Right now I’m in a big crunch at work and juggling several other personal projects (music, the Unity book, and so on) and I think it’s best for my health (and wrists) if I not update quite so frequently. I mean, I’ve done 78 comics since starting this in the middle of September — that’s nearly 12% of my busybee comics archive by content, in only 3% of the time that I’ve been doing them!

It’s funny how when I did 10 comics in 2 weeks I thought that was completely insane and not something I’d ever be crazy enough to try again.

I still intend to post comics about especially good things that happen, and also there’s a few more Unity stories that have come to mind (which aren’t as dismal or dire as the ones I’d backburnered before starting on Good Things) but I have to slow down my updates if only to keep the good things coming.

But I do hope to keep doing at least one or two a week.

As always, subscribing via RSS or LiveJournal is the best way to keep up.