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I would just like to point out that this is the 200th Unity strip. Back in #100 (which I see was almost exactly a year ago) I joked that I was planning on doing 155 more, and right now it looks like it’s actually on track for that to be a possibility. Wouldn’t it be great if I actually managed to make it exactly 255 long?


Quick informal poll

2009/09/21 12:00 AM

I’m curious about aspects of my readership (this means you): How did you find out about my comics? How do you read my comics? (RSS, LiveJournal, manually browsing, bookmark, etc.) Why don’t you ever post comments? (Or: What would get you to post comments?) Anything you’d like to see more of and/or less of? Will you be my friend?

As always, you don’t actually have to register for the forum to post a comment on this thread.