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Hello, Lewi!

2015/01/05 10:09 PM

I figured I should start another new series so that I can get tired of it and go back to Unity.

Or maybe I’ll enjoy doing this one for a while.

Some comics that are pretty cool

2015/01/22 12:00 AM

Pretty Cool Webcomics was nice enough to review me. I do wish that they’d chosen a newer Unity strip to headline with, but oh well. I like that reviewers like this exist and aren’t afraid to actually say nice things.

Anyway, I’ve found a whole bunch of other great webcomics I didn’t know about through that blog, so definitely check them out!

Possible schedule slip

2015/01/22 12:00 AM

Not that there’s anything “official” about my posting schedule by any means, but this weekend I’m participating in a game jam and probably won’t have time to work on comics. If you’re local to Seattle and like working on games, you could always sign up and be a part of this!

I’ll probably be focusing on music, and I’ll probably bring my cello. Because there’s always room for cello.

Possible schedule slip

2015/02/08 1:30 AM

I’ve been a bit under the weather and having wrist problems again, so I’m not sure if I’ll manage to get two comics out this week. I hope I do because the sketchbook page scheduled for next Sunday depends quite a lot on this week’s strips (which is sort of a coincidence, mostly since I didn’t expect this week’s strips to take so long to get to), but you know what they say; All toasters toast toast.

End of Chapter 1

2015/02/16 12:00 AM

I’m going to take a short break to plan out what happens in chapter 2. I have a bunch of story fragments but it’ll take some planning to put them together, and also my wrists could use a break.

Feel free to submit guest art in the interim!

Back in the saddle, I hope

2015/03/02 12:00 AM

My wrists are doing better now, although I’m going to take it easy on the art quality for a while all the same (like anyone can really tell anyway).

Anyway, welcome to chapter 2.

Upcoming schedule

2015/03/26 12:00 AM

As usual, my wrists are still sucking so I might need to take it easy a bit? I don’t know. BUT ALSO: Emerald City ComiCon is coming up! Come find me this weekend!

(I will also be at the drink-and-draw Thursday night, on behalf of both of the local cartooning meetup groups I’m a member of.)

End of chapter 2

2015/04/09 2:00 AM

Probably a good time for me to take another week off. Also I have recently acquired a Surface Pro 3. I’ll write up a thorough review at some point but in the meantime, the summary is that I like it but with a few reservations (mostly in that the stylus accuracy could be better and Windows 8.1 still has a lot of rough edges, especially with how Photoshop works in it).

As far as why I went with the Surface Pro 3 instead of the Cintiq Companion 2, this is why. Basically I really wish Wacom made a Cintiq in the same size as the Intuos Pro Large. 13" is too small, 22" is too huge. I’d actually have gone with the Cintiq Companion 2 if it weren’t for it having such a stupidly gigantic bezel and relatively tiny screen, not to mention the fact there’s nowhere I can find in Seattle where I could try one out in person first. But if I can try a Cintiq Companion 2 out I might end up switching to that anyway (since there’s enough moderate annoyances with the Surface that I’m not particularly enamored with it).

Still on break

2015/04/16 12:01 AM

My wrists are even more terrible than usual lately, but I’m still drawing simple things (obviously). I have an appointment with an orthopedist on Friday who will hopefully have some ideas about what to do, and if I just need to take a leave of absence from my day job that’s doable. Of course that means not being able to work on Lewi, either, which is frustrating for me because I really want to work on it. Argh.

Meanwhile, I ended up not liking the Surface Pro 3 after all (contrary to my previous news post), and ordered a Wacom Cintiq Companion 2. Hopefully that’ll work out a lot better.

As always I’m accepting guest art and guest strips and so on, and I have stuff for sale. Please check it out!

Still on break

2015/04/19 11:39 AM

I need at least another week before I can start drawing again. Sorry.


2015/04/27 12:00 AM

My wrists still aren’t at 100% (not even close actually) but I’m starting physical therapy soon. I’ll probably still be doing a reduced update schedule for a while. Also, my parents are going to be visiting next weekend, which cuts into my comic-making time of course.

So, as usual, I recommend that you subscribe via RSS or Comic Rocket or the like. (Or you can follow on Tumblr or Tapastic or whatever but those tend to fall behind.)

Yes my wrists still suck

2015/06/08 12:00 AM

Physical therapy: helpful

Working 100+ hours a week (due to the album): less helpful

But hey the album is done and (still) available for preorder and it’ll drop on June 14, which as long-time readers should know is my birthday, and it is my gift to you. Well, if getting a gift normally means having to pay $7 for it. Whatever.

So out of shape

2015/06/16 11:56 PM

so out of practice


2015/08/10 8:21 PM

Sorry about my continued slow pace of updates. My wrists are still problematic, and my day job is taking a lot more of my energy than usual lately.

If you’re in the Portland area (Oregon, not Maine), this weekend is a good time to meet up with me, as I’ll be performing at the annual Song Fight! Live! show (Friday the 14th and Saturday the 15th), as well as going to a webcomics mini-meetup (Sunday the 16th).

And if you’re in the Seattle area, pretty much any time is a good time to meet up with me. No occasion, I just live here.

Oh god I am so terrible at this

2015/09/27 2:00 PM

My current list of excuses for not posting anything:

  • Usual wrist stuff
  • Bronchitis that got really bad for a bit and is still lingeringAnxiety and depression because of a bunch of stuff (mostly due to the above)Was busy with a relationship that was taking up a lot of my spare time (but it’s over now)I keep getting too distracted by talking about making comics to actually make comicsBeen writing a lot of spare-time code too (including trying to finally write a CMS that works the way I want it to since I’m sick of hacking on Movable Type but everything else out there is markedly worse)Playing, obsessing over, and completely picking apart the game data of Undertale which is my favorite game since Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Also I’ll be cosplaying Frisk (portrayed above) at GeekGirlCon 2015, which will also be my first time ever cosplaying. The game is that good.

It’s Inktober!

2015/10/03 1:00 AM

I’m going to try to draw at least one picture a day in October, because that seems like a good way to get out of my doldrums. Obviously I’m running a bit behind but I’ll try to catch up.

Of course it turns out that Inktober is supposed to be about drawing in ink. Go figure. So uh. I’m really far behind.

Update: The Inktober content has moved

Same old same old

2015/11/11 3:42 AM

Yadda yadda sorry for not updating yadda yadda yadda

my art tag on Tumblr has some new stuff (mostly Undertale fanart these days) but mostly I’ve been busy wallowing in a desire to work on comics but no ability to. Current excuse list:

  • Changed teams at work and am trying to ramp up on a project
  • [insert usual thing about wrists]
  • Holidays, seasonal depression, etc. all upon me
