New job! fluffy rambles


I have accepted a job at as a full-stack engineer. I’ll be working on web publishing stuff as an actual source of income now!

I am very optimistic about this. Everyone at the interview was super-awesome and friendly, and their ethics seem pretty much aligned with mine. I hope to be part of making curated published content on the web better for everyone! (Readers and publishers alike.)

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Adderall pluses and minuses fluffy rambles


So, on the plus side, Adderall XR has been helping me quite a lot with my focus and executive functioning.

On the minus side, I’m having several of the unpleasant side effects: greatly increased blood pressure, numb toes, migraines/nausea (starting yesterday or so), and constipation.

I was really hoping I finally found something that works for me. Maybe I should stop taking it for a couple days and see how I feel. Because right now I just feel bad.

💬 Re: Clientside Webmentions Notes


In reply to: Clientside Webmentions

I searched Webmention implementations on GitHub and found Max Stoiber’s impl. It fetches a simple count of webmentions, and then paginated full text responses. I figured I should try adapting that.

Ah, I hadn’t seen this particular clientside implementation before. Cool to see someone building something with React. Also that gives me some ideas for things I could add to webmention.js, namely doing a paginated series of async queries instead of just setting the page size to be really large.

(Not that I’ve ever seen any blog post ever have enough mentions for this to make a difference, but we’ll get there someday!)

Why I’m open about my mental health (and other things) fluffy rambles


Back in 2015, I was a complete mess, and I did everything I could to hide it. I was still having panic attacks regularly, and they would be brought on by the slightest provocation. But I felt, working in tech, that I had to be quiet about it, and just let things pass and things would get better if I ignored them.

One day a coworker did a thing that triggered a pretty big panic attack. It wasn’t anything malicious on his part, just a cavalier, morbid joke in gestural form that happened to tread upon one of my biggest triggers.

I felt awful, and I wanted to keep from feeling that way again.

So I messaged him on our work chat, and told him that the gesture he made happens to be a huge trigger for me and I was having a pretty major panic attack as a result. And his response was incredibly helpful: he didn’t realize, he understood, and he wouldn’t do it again. And he stuck to that.

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