Bandcrash early alpha/beta/whatever released


So hey, the Bandcrash GUI is finally, finally in a working state! You can now use it to easily encode a bunch of wav files into mp3/ogg/flac and make a web preview, and optionally upload it all to automagically!

Also, I’ve released prebuilt macOS and Windows binaries over on I’ll probably do a Linux version as well at some point, although Linux users are likely much better-equipped to just build-and-install it themselves.

To that end, I used it to upload one of my older albums to itch, and I gotta say, having a GUI to set it up is actually a lot nicer than doing it all from the CLI with hand-written JSON files? Weird.

There’s still a lot left to do on it but what is there right now is Good Enough for now.

That said, I’m hopeful that bandcamp remains viable for the long term, but now it’s a lot less necessary to worry about a single platform like that.