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Time continues to pass at an alarming rate

2016/03/25 10:34 PM

So, wow, a lot’s been going on in my life.

I’ve finally come out at large about my gender stuff and am properly, publicly transitioning. This has had the interesting side effect of greatly reducing (although not eliminating) my wrist pain — turns out a lot of it was just due to my constant internal tension! Same with my anxiety! GO FIGURE!

I’m also really busy at work, both with a bunch of stuff regarding transition and with my actual day job. And I’m feeling great.

I also have so many other projects that take precedence over comics right now. Which sucks because I still really want to get back to comics (especially Lewi!) but at least it’s sucking for a generally positive reason now.

Thank you everyone who’s still holding on and checking for updates. (I assume you are just still subscribed to my RSS feed or something.)

(Oh also you can feel free to read an article about my medical transition, if you like.)

So, a funny thing happened on the way to the comic

2017/03/18 11:30 PM

First I had surgery in late January.

Then that got infected.

Then the antibiotics for the infection knocked out my intestinal flora.

Then the recovery from that left my immune system vulnerable and I got a cold that lasted about a month (although to be fair apparently everyone on the entire left coast has been laid waste by this).

Then the latest Zelda game came out.

So really, it’s amazing I’ve gotten any comics done at all.

Better late than never?

2019/01/07 10:49 PM

Oops, I wanted to get this done by the start of the new year as is somewhat-traditional, but I was having some technical difficulties. And of course my day job has me pretty busy too. But I’ll try to do more comics this year! It’s at least in my plans, although we all know how those have a tendency to go…

Escaping notice

2019/10/12 10:12 PM

Wow, I had a feeling that people would either really get or really not get this latest comic, but I had no idea how distinct the division would be.

I guess it really is true that there are two kinds of computer users…

Gonna try doing this again

2019/12/09 12:34 AM

It’s been a while since I’ve regularly done Good Things comics, or comics in general. I’m feeling generally better enough now that maybe this is something I can do.

I just need to remember that daily comics don’t need to be spectacularly-drawn, they just need to be drawn. And it’s okay to miss a day now and then.

And maybe I’ll get back into drawing Lewi and even Unity, both of which I really want to work on quite a lot.

ow and ugh and so much else

2020/06/02 10:37 PM

I am filled with so many emotions right now and the deep-seated need to get this angry comic out of my system just barely overrode the excruciating pain I’m in right now, so you get shitty stick figures.

I am so off-track

2022/05/26 8:38 PM

It’s been too long since I’ve been able to make comics. I’m not happy with this one, either. I’m so out of practice, and I have no energy.

I want to be able to do this stuff again. I’m not sure how to get there from here.