💬 Re: Auto-XYZ


In reply to: Re: Auto-XYZ

It looks like there are some percent-20 characters I need to clean up and I should try to show your posts in chronological order—so this has already been great for catching problems.

Yep, I’d noticed you weren’t handling spaces or dt-published. Glad you caught that too. :)

One thing to keep in mind is that your posts will really only show up under the first tag in the list.

Makes sense. What happens if I change what the primary tag is, and then re-ping?

Anyway, great work on Publ. It’s cool to see what you’re doing with logins—love the idea of IndieAuth on tilde.club.

Just to clarify, Publ can’t run on tilde.club as far as I know (it needs the ability to run WSGI apps); my mention of tilde.club was specifically about people having their IndieWeb profile live on there but delegating IndieAuth to an external endpoint (e.g. IndieLogin) – in theory a tilde.club user could delegate to an external endpoint which spoofs a different tilde.club identity (such as AnyAuth), which is an issue with the URL validation step of the IndieAuth spec.

Authl’s URL validation already adopts my proposed change, where the validated URL must be more specific than the requested one (for example, http://tilde.club/~fluffy can become http://tilde.club/~fluffy/ or http://tilde.club/~fluffy/blog/, but it can’t become http://tilde.club/~root or http://tilde.club).

💬 Re: Magic auth catch-22


In reply to: Re: Magic auth catch-22

Ahh—ok. Makes sense. I’m not doing this in my reader—I don’t want to risk rel=“self” being wrong. Is there a compelling reason to do this? I mean if I’m able to fetch the feed, why risk it?

Because sometimes sites migrate to new platforms or new domains and RSS feeds change location, and this helps to avoid linkrot or unpleasant surprises with realizing that you’ve missed a few years of updates because the feed quietly went missing.

Incidentally, I have implemented AutoAuth on this site. Gonna make a more formal announcement shortly.

💬 Re: 📷 Seattle Day One


In reply to: Re: 📷 Seattle Day One

Oh hey welcome to Seattle! How long are you in town for?

Also congrats on finding the secret garden. Lots of folks I know have lived here for years without knowing that was a thing. (I only found out about it a few years ago, myself, because I was bored on a day that the rest of the market happened to be closed for a holiday.)