Lab results

  • Cholesterol: Within normal range (thanks, Repatha)
  • Triglycerides: Still a little high, but not nearly as bad as they used to be (I’m guessing that them being a bit high means the doctor is still going to lecture me)
  • Blood glucose: 102mg/dL, which is technically a little high because of the law of round numbers, but c'mon
  • A1C: 6.0, which is right in the middle of the “pre-diabetic” range, which means I’m going to get a lecture about that too
  • MCH: 25.6pg, indicating I might be slightly anemic

Anyway it’s pretty clear that my home glucosimeter needs to be recalibrated or replaced.

Update: Doctor’s office left a voicemail which was surprisingly lecture-free. They just told me the same thing I wrote above and said there wasn’t really any change to make for now.

The joys of being alive


So, yesterday I had my 6-month followup with the cardiologist regarding the heart-related stuff and got the usual litany of obnoxious hand-wringing around my labs (evne though they were now very out-of-date) and yet another lecture about lipids and triglycerides, which, yes, this is why I am seeing you. Meh.

Anyway, the upshot of this is that he did order new labs for me (which I have no issue with, of course, just with how he talked about ordering them), and this morning I figured I’d go get them done. And before doing them I figured I’d use my OTC blood glucose meter to get an idea of what to expect with the blood sugar results.

It came back with 296 mg/dL.

That is… high.

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