๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Webmention support for static sites


In reply to: Re: Webmention support for static sites

Ángel Orgeta:

Oh, yes, and it’s great; I just wanted something much simpler. I took a look at it, but some requirements (like my ATOM feed needing WebSub compliance, which I didn’t know the meaning of, and other things that I sincerely didn’t understand) made me wish for something more straightforward. I run my script on the same computer that stores my atom.xml file, so I have no need for download support and/or caching further than knowing the timestamp of the file.

Ah, just to clarify, WebSub isn’t required, it’s just supported — it’s just one of the things Pushl supports. I hadn’t considered offline support as something that someone might want, so for that use case Gruta is definitely a better choice.

I’ll consider making it more clear what’s optional in the documentation, since I can see that being a point of confusion!

๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Webmention support for static sites


In reply to: Re: Webmention support for static sites

รngel Ortega:

I’ve written a script to add Webmention support for static sites. It’s available from:


That’s cool, but did you happen to see my tool Pushl that does the same thing? It has a few other features like feed autodiscovery, WebSub, and RFC5005 archive backfilling. And it’s pip-installable!

๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: tag-reply posts


In reply to: Re: tag-reply posts

Haha, sorry for the in-line links! I was thinking of tag-reply posts from the receiving side, as a way of letting others suggest tags for your posts. Readers of your comics post tag-replies on their site, your site would receive them as webmentions and you could add them to the comic post or not.

Itโ€™s all IndieWeb building blocks, but itโ€™s a lot of plumbing on your side (accepting webmention data into your tags, moderating) and theirs (making a post on their own site with markup, sending webmentions).

Don’t apologize for the inline links, I could have just not added them. ;)

And okay, I understand what you’re getting at now! Yeah that seems like a possible way to do things although it’s a lot of setup for a lot of people and I like to use the principle of least effort for things like this.

Also this has inspired me to make a subcategory for the blog for conversational threads. I wonder if the webmentions will end up getting re-sent to the previous entry on this new category. I also wonder if I should set up a rule on my Atom feed to let people filter out posts like these.