💬 Re: Clientside Webmentions


In reply to: swyx.io: Clientside Webmentions

I searched Webmention implementations on GitHub and found Max Stoiber’s impl. It fetches a simple count of webmentions, and then paginated full text responses. I figured I should try adapting that.

Ah, I hadn’t seen this particular clientside implementation before. Cool to see someone building something with React. Also that gives me some ideas for things I could add to webmention.js, namely doing a paginated series of async queries instead of just setting the page size to be really large.

(Not that I’ve ever seen any blog post ever have enough mentions for this to make a difference, but we’ll get there someday!)

💬 Re: Proposal for #IndieWeb website swap day/week/event


In reply to: Re: Proposal for #IndieWeb website swap day/week/event

IndieWeb! What if we suddenly… swap sites?

No, not actual sites with actual content, but site runtimes. Set up a subdomain on our server and then set up someone else’s software on that subdomain and try to blog on it for a certain timeframe, like a week maybe?

This will allow us to test each other’s sites, including their onboarding procedures and UX. Also it may be fun!

I love this idea, mostly because I’m all in favor of getting more eyes on Publ (especially improving its documentation!), and I’d also love to see how other people are solving the various problems with web publishing.

💬 Re: Intelligent webmention sending


In reply to: Re: Intelligent webmention sending

FWIW, Pushl also handles incremental webmention updates, including support for removals of targets and deletions of articles. Right now the only thing I feel like it’s missing for most IndieWeb folks is h-feed support, which should be fairly easy to add (I just need to get around to it).

It also could do with some better retry logic (namely saving failures in a queue for next time), which is also On The List.