Current goings-on


Still on disability leave, and still in considerable pain. I’m trying not to work too hard on things, but it’s hard not to do things.

For example, I worked on a song with my friends Ken and Huan-Hua for this week’s Song Fight!; we entered the “We Did Everything We Could” fight under the band name Richard Donner Party. It was a fun song to make. Fortunately I didn’t have to even so much as look at a guitar. Most of my work was vocals, light keyboard work, and editing.

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More updates!

  • My resin printer arrived today. It was a bit obnoxious to get a working print and holy heck it’s a messy process even when it does work, but this’ll be fun to mess with. (Yes, I now have three 3D printers. Only the resin one is actually operable right now, but the Artillery Genius has some repair parts on th eway, at least.)
  • I accepted an offer on my condo. It’s a lot less than I was hoping for but it’s still plenty of money. When that sells I can start working on building out the studio, which is the linchpin for getting a bunch of my other house ambitions underway.
  • I’m having one heck of a fibro flare and this makes it very hard for me to actually focus on work. But also there’s a stress factor involved. Hopefully that all sorts itself out soon.
  • Because of the aforementioned flare I’m also not making much progress on getting my living room or kitchen in any sort of order. But I’m still slowly chipping away at that glacier.
  • Cannabis isn’t really helping with the fibro right now, either.

A lot to unpack


Every day I put another progressively larger dent into the big pile of boxes. My bedroom is actually in pretty good shape now, my kitchen is getting somewhere reasonable (although I’m having trouble figuring out where to put my hand towels and such), and my living room and basement are… well, still disasters. I’m also still unable to find a bunch of stuff that seems like it should have been in some of the boxes I’ve opened. I really wish movers were better at packing things in a systematic way, or at least making sure that multiple parts of a thing stay together.

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[excitement intensifies]


The previous owner of the house — the daughter-in-law of the previous occupant — reached out to me on Facebook, and we got to chatting about the neighborhood, the house, and a bunch of other stuff. She was incredibly welcoming, and it turns out that she also lives in the neighborhood. She seems really friendly, and she’s looking forward to seeing what I do with the place. And so am I!

My brain just won’t let me not keep on planning what I’m going to do in terms of the move. I’ve already scheduled a move consultation to see how much it’ll cost to get a full-service pack-and-move, and I’m beginning to triage my possessions and plan for where they’re going to go in the house (or, if not, whether to sell them on eBay or Craigslist, or simply donate them). I’m also hyper-fixating, as usual, on how I’m going to set up my recording studio, my network, and a bunch of other things.

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