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how aggravating

2006/01/26 10:58 PM

I scripted this one a month and a half ago, and even simplifying my drawing as much as I could still hurt a lot. Anyone have any wrists they can trade me?

Something different

2006/06/03 1:43 AM

This is something I’ve been thinking of doing for a while. Rather than trying to have one big vast continuous story, I’d really rather just be able to draw whatever funky ideas come to mind. I’d like to experiment instead of getting stuck in a rut. So, just think of the Cherry/Jen story as one of the things which shows up here, or something. Sort of along the lines of Tailsteak except without the clear demarcation between the stories (unless I come up with a clever way of shoehorning that into Movable Type, anyway).

Trippy flashback!

2006/09/27 8:41 AM

I know, you’ve seen this already. Like I said elsewhere, the hard drive in my webhost failed and the last viable backup was from July 17. I’ll repost the comics from the interim soon-ish, along with a bunch more sketches.

Sketchbook Raiders

2006/09/27 11:07 PM

I’ve been drawing in my sketchbook a lot lately. I figure it’s time to put it to use.

EDIT: Sketchbook stuff is now in the art section of this site

Long time no see

2007/01/23 11:10 PM

Christ, has it really been three months since the last actual comic? I should, like, get inspired or something. It’s not like I don’t have a billion plotlines and lots of scripted dialog already there, I just don’t have the patience to draw these days.

Sorry about the repeated content

2007/02/04 10:29 AM

I was changing my permalink scheme to make items get linked to their daily page instead of their weekly page (navigation will still be weekly though). This is why all the items in the RSS feed were marked as new again.

New series: Unity

2007/02/06 9:31 PM

I’m making another attempt at a serial comic. Episodes start February 12. (But friends who are, as they say, “in the know” can see it early.)