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Today I finally got in touch with Kia’s corporate customer service after filing a complaint yesterday, and they said that they also haven’t been able to get in touch with the dealership.

I asked them how I can go about getting a loaner, and they said that it’s up to the dealership to do so. If the dealership doesn’t have a loaner available, then they have a rental reimbursement program.

I asked about that, and the answer was that from the time the car is diagnosed, if there’s a long-term repair that needs to take place, then they will reimburse the rental fees. However, they will only do so after the car has been diagnosed, and as far as I can tell, it has not. I asked them why the policy was based on diagnosis time rather than dropoff time, and their response was that it is Kia’s policy to be that way.

I said that for me the issue is that I’m without a car, and that it shouldn’t matter when the car is actually diagnosed, what should matter is when I am without a car. It seems to me that the service center has absolutely no incentive to actually move forward on things based on this policy, because it means they can just hold on to my car for months without any forward progress and any compensation to me.

The CSR said that she would file a complaint on my behalf about this policy, but that for now, Kia’s policy is that the reimbursement period only begins when there’s a diagnosis. And she will try to find out if there’s been a diagnosis, but the dealership hasn’t been responsive to Kia Corporate either.

So, yeah. Kia has great cars but their customer service is FUCKING AWFUL and based on this series of interactions (and lack thereof) I can no longer recommend Kia vehicles. Which is sad, as of all the current EV manufacturers available in North America, they have the best value proposition (and some of the best EVs available in general).

In the meantime I have a lead on a 2004 Matrix XRS for a good price and in good condition and it seems like I might end up owning a second car anyway. At the very least, it’ll be a temporary car that I can then turn around and sell for nearly the same price when all is said and done.

Of all the cars I’ve ever owned, the 2005 Matrix XR I had was my absolute favorite, so this is particularly tempting. Plus, I still love driving stick shift and that’s the one thing I miss from having an EV.

I don’t want to buy a second car (especially one that’d require me to go back on my goal of never going to a gas station ever again) but this feels like the least-bad option for me.

Update: I was thinking, oh, when I test drive this second car, I should bring my OBD-II scanner. Then I realized that my OBD-II scanner is… in the glove box of the fucking Kia. Sigh.


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