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There is, of course, no way for a rainbow to ever be visible when the light source is always directly overhead (not to mention being rod-shaped rather than a point source), hence Sam’s confusion (Juni combined the Hiero words meaning ‘rain’ and ‘arch’ with a containment-conjunctive).

Meanwhile, the deep-space background is blue with tinges of infrared (I took some artistic license), so blue- and red-shift look a bit counterintuitive, with the background appearing purple and cyan, respectively. This is actually correct for a relative velocity of 0.027c. Deriving this, as well as determining how long they’ve been accelerating in order to be at this speed having traveled only about ¼ of the way to the galactic core from Earth, is left as an exercise for the reader; show your work, and don’t forget to account for the Lorentz effect, the increase in mass due described by special relativity, and increase in drag due to the interstellar hydrogen pressure front while accounting for the ramscoop feed, as well as whatever theories of dark matter, spatio-temporal expansion, and quantum velocity you subscribe to.

Incidentally, I may have too much time on my hands.


Again, apologies

2008/03/30 8:34 PM

This stuff is still on the backburner. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you though. <3


2008/07/22 12:00 AM

I would appreciate it if others could improve the Comixpedia entry. I feel silly writing about myself and my comic from the third person with a weak-sauce attempt at NPOV.

Might not be any Unity next week

2008/07/26 12:00 AM

Sorry folks, but I just moved into a new condo and it seems more useful to unpack stuff than it does to draw stories about genderqueer space monotremes or whatever. (Womble, on the other hand, has updates for the next month even if I’m hit by a bus.)

That was brutal

2008/08/14 12:00 AM

Today’s Unity probably represents the longest time it’s taken me to color a comic in ages. And of course I doubt anyone even would notice the fiddly little details in the coloring without me pointing them out. I sure know how to spend my time effectively!

A news post

2008/08/28 12:00 AM

It has been a while since the August 14 coloring ordeal. And I didn’t spend nearly as much time as I could/should have on today’s comic but there you go.

Okay um, news news news. I only have one more Womble in the queue right now and I think I’m going to take a break from it (I have tons of ideas for it but I’m not inspired to draw any of them just yet). A new chapter of Unity is starting (insofar as I have chapters per se) and people might be confused or they might not be and maybe people will hate me for it but whatever, it’s my comic so nyah.

Also I just took a couple sips of my homemade vanilla-lime soda and it’s a bit weird. I think it needs more lime.


Oh and also Jazaaboo made this for me although I am not sure if she wants me linking to it since I guess it was just a quick sketch which is unfinished? Anyway she’s awesome.

Wacom nibs reviewed

2008/10/03 12:00 AM

A while ago I posted a review of various Wacom nibs over on my blog. If you don’t read my blog but do read the newsbox here and care what I think about my drawing implement of choice, well, I guess you could read it.

Cast page updated

2008/10/07 12:29 AM

I’ve updated the cast page to include Eugene. However, he is missing a family name. So, post your suggestions for his full name in this comment thread, and I’ll make my favorite one canon!


2008/10/28 12:00 AM

All of the past comics are now transcribed thanks largely to Smarasderagd and Bug (and hopefully they’ll stay relatively up-to-date from now on), and you may notice that now you can view a comic’s transcript as well.


2008/11/13 12:00 AM

Bengo wrote a nice brief review of my comics. Thanks, Bengo!

You should read his and his wife’s comics Li'l Nyet and Scratchin Post, two semi-metaphorical treatises on the socioeconomic ramifications of varying political gestalts throughout history, both observed and subjunctive, as portrayed by talking cats.

Update frequency

2008/12/02 12:00 AM

If you ever wonder why I only update 2-3 times a week, consider that I could always take shortcuts but I don’t think I could live with myself. (I do occasionally reuse backgrounds and rough layouts and I feel guilty enough about that as is!)

So more transcript neatness!

2008/12/04 12:05 AM

Now it’s even easier to see transcripts for comics. I’m thinking of ways of improving it though, like maybe clicking ‘transcript’ makes it pop up in a little floaty window on the page or something, but that leads to other potential problems (but probably less problematic than how the navigation buttons get covered by the transcript right now). I’m open to suggestions.

I have to admit that I mostly did this so that Google would see the transcripts when it crawled my site, and being able to make it visible was just a bonus.


2008/12/23 10:02 AM

I’ll be out of town until the 30th. I’ll be bringing my portable Wacom with me so I might work on some non-Unity strips. On the plus side, I have buffered Unity updates until the 30th anyway, so there shouldn’t be any interruptions in the regularly-scheduled updates. I just thought you should know.

Also I have a poll going on over in the completely-unused forum, if you want to comment. One of the things I plan on doing while I’m on vacation is attempting to improve the site layout, so I’d like to know sooner rather than later.