Per-capita EV registrations by state fluffy rambles


A question that keeps on coming up in my conversations is: where exactly is the electric vehicle adoption the highest?

There’s plenty of information about it on a per-country basis but I couldn’t find anything that breaks it down by US state. So I did a little number-crunching, and figured I’d post it here so that other people can benefit from it.

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Finally getting my car back, hopefully fluffy rambles


I finally got in touch with someone at the Kia dealership who said that my car will be ready to pick up tomorrow, after “only” a month being stuck there. Ugh.

They said that they were not authorized to do the full TSB repair and that they could only do the first-level sound mitigation, claiming that it was “just normal EV noise” (it fucking wasn’t) and that they can only actually replace the bearing when it actually fails. Given how much I drive that’ll probably end up happening both well after the warranty expires and in the most inconvenient situation imaginable.

OH WELL. At least I’ll finally have my car back, and can stop putting up with this piece of shit loaner that’s frustrating to drive and gets 22MPG and has basically no cargo space.

But knowing how the dipshits at this service center operate, I’m not holding my breath for my car to actually be ready to pick up at my appointment time.

Some Logic Pro 11 updates fluffy rambles


In my last post about Logic I saw a lot of potential in the chord track but found that the UX was pretty lacking. Since then I’ve seen a few Logic-related videos that have found some better ways of interacting with it:

  1. You can type in the chord name textually (which I already figured out but didn’t think to mention in the post)
  2. By pressing Tab while editing a chord, it’ll advance the playhead and add a new chord to the progression
  3. Once you turn on “Listen” mode it’ll stay that way, so you can sorta record from your keyboard using that

I’m still not totally thrilled with it and wish there were a live recording option, but it’s actually pretty workable as it is.

This video was particularly helpful (and also has a really nice defense of the AI creation tools in it, including several points which I have always agreed with):

The UX could definitely be better-documented, though, and I wonder how many other little things are there which just aren’t explained anywhere.

Also there’s a few other UX papercuts which still exist, like keyboard focus is weird while on the chord track. But things will improve over time, as I said before.

Avatar viewpoint placement VRChat Stuff


One of the most poorly-defined yet critical things in configuring a VR avatar is where exactly to place the viewpoint. It can have a lot of impact on your viewing experience, especially with how the viewpoint ends up relating to the rest of the body. This becomes especially critical in systems like VRChat and Resonite where the physics of the body are directly impacted by this placement, and especially now that VRChat has built-in functionality for allowing a first-person view of your facial features (which the critter avatar calls “first-person snooter”).

When building a humanoid avatar that has proportions that more or less match one’s physical body, you generally want the viewpoint to be situated such that it’s placed at the same relative depth from your real-life view origin compared to your shoulders, as this means that your virtual head will be tracked with the same relative offset from your virtual shoulders as they are from your real ones. Otherwise, your virtual arms will seem to be the wrong length when fully extended.

But this raises the obvious question: where’s your physical view origin?

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Customizing the horn pop sound Critter!


So you’ve enjoyed becoming critter, but you want even better customization with your horns: when you’re a different material, you’d like to be able to change the sound that is made by your horns being popped off.

Worry not, as of version 1.7.0 you can make this happen!

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Please stop using open captions fluffy rambles


There is a really pervasive trend in video these days where people will use (usually auto-generated) open captions (sometimes called “burned captions” or “hard subs”), where the text for the narration or the like is baked into the image of the video. This is sometimes accompanied by some attention-grabbing effects, like making the currently-spoken word jump up in size, often with a very goofy animation.

Please stop doing this.

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💬 New-new Reddit Notes


In reply to: New-new Reddit

I have no idea about the CPU usage but the new post/comment editor is also abysmal. I just want to write Markdown, dangit! But even when it’s in Markdown mode it tries to apply some fancy formatting to things, and gets it wrong.

I really hate how every website now “needs” to be an “app.”

Logic 11: a quick play-around fluffy rambles


The latest version of Logic released today, with some much-vaunted features. It’s also finally gone to version 11, after being stuck on 10.x for over a decade, even though 10.x minor version updates were often larger than the differences between major versions (and those major version updates cost a lot of money!).

I just played around with it for about an hour and put its major new features through its paces, and here’s some of my thoughts on it.

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