SpinDizzy MUCK wants YOU! fluffy rambles


Are you interested in whimsical, fun, weird, sometimes downright brain-ending roleplay? Tired of all RP spaces turning into public sex-a-thons?

SpinDizzy MUCK might be a place to check out!

Folks there are friendly and fun and creative and imaginative, and you can be whatever you want as long as you can find the words and/or ASCII art for it.

All you need is a web browser and the wherewithal to take a detour from your ontological nightmare that is real life.

Come check it out. We won’t bite. Well, some of us will. But it’ll be cute. And only has a 35% chance of turning you into a were-whatever-bit-you.

Hypnagogia Short stories


Herein lies a novel I did for NaNoWriMo back in Ye Olden Days.

It’s, um, about as good as one might expect for a novel written in a month, by a stressed computer science grad student who was still fighting off Big Gender Feels.

Content warning: This contains some pretty weird attempts at erotica, quite a lot of body horror, and some terminology that hasn’t aged particularly well. Also, angst. So much angst.

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