Embedding binary resources with CMake and C++11 Code


The problem

Let’s say you want to make a single-binary application that has embedded resources (images, GLSL shaders, etc.). Let’s say you want to automatically wrap your resources in a storage container to make it easier to deal with stuff. Let’s also say that you might even be using CMake as your build system.

CMake doesn’t provide a way of making a custom build rule, and using extern data is a little unwieldy. So here’s an easy-ish way to do both parts, making use of C++11 language features (and a scary preprocessor hack).

The C++11 bit is also useful on its own, even if you aren’t using CMake, although things will have to be adapted to your build system of choice.

Note: Back when I wrote this the general compiler ecosystem was different, especially on macOS. If you just want a library that does all this stuff for you in a platform-independent manner, check out this resource embedding script. Or you might be interested in a CMake-only approach for the resource generation and using that in conjunction with the rest of this article.

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The problem with select() vs. poll() Code


The UNIX select() API should have been deprecated years ago. While unsafe operations like sscanf(), sprintf(), gets(), and so forth all provide compile-time deprecation warnings, select() is also incredibly dangerous and has a more modern, safer replacement (poll()), but yet people continue to use it.

The problem is that it doesn’t scale. In this case, “not scaling” doesn’t just mean it’s bad for performance, “not scaling” means it can destroy your call stack, crash your process, and leave it in a state that is incredibly difficult to debug.

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