Corel Update Helper focus stealing fluffy rambles


For the last few months, every now and then my foreground window will “blip” out of focus momentarily. This is slightly annoying whenever it happens, since that means that whatever I was doing gets disrupted. If I’m drawing a line, the line gets hecked up. If I’m typing text, letters get dropped. If I’m recording in Logic, my audio drops out for a couple seconds. You know, annoying.

I was searching high and low for what it might be, and in doing so I noticed that Karabiner-Elements (which I use to remap some of the keys on my non-remappable keyboards) has a window focus log (from the Karabiner menu choose Event Viewer then Frontmost application), which is intended to make it easier to tell the bundle name for per-app layout overrides.

Well, this is handy!

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I’m still not buying a Mac Pro fluffy rambles


Now that the Mac Pro configurator is finally live, just thought I’d remind folks that if you don’t need one, don’t buy one.

Also worth pointing out that they didn’t even advertise this on the Apple front page, further reinforcing that they don’t expect people to buy it without a specific need.

💬 Re: Proposal for #IndieWeb website swap day/week/event Notes


In reply to: Re: Proposal for #IndieWeb website swap day/week/event

IndieWeb! What if we suddenly… swap sites?

No, not actual sites with actual content, but site runtimes. Set up a subdomain on our server and then set up someone else’s software on that subdomain and try to blog on it for a certain timeframe, like a week maybe?

This will allow us to test each other’s sites, including their onboarding procedures and UX. Also it may be fun!

I love this idea, mostly because I’m all in favor of getting more eyes on Publ (especially improving its documentation!), and I’d also love to see how other people are solving the various problems with web publishing.

It’s official fluffy rambles


I have an official ADHD diagnosis, and a psychiatrist I also think is pretty darn good.

(Her actual statement: “I think it’s pretty clear you have ADHD.” Go figure.)

Anyway. My HMO has a very specific medication schedule and the only non-stimulant medication they allow needs a very good reason, so we’re going to try Concerta (which is a time-release form of Ritalin) and see if that hecks me up too much. Also being basically legal meth, one of its side effects is weight loss, and I certainly wouldn’t mind that one.

I’ve been spending the last few weeks slowly ramping up my caffeine consumption and while my tolerance isn’t nearly where it was before the garbage fire that was late 2011, so maybe this won’t be too much of a shock to the system.

On that note I’ve been enjoying my return to coffee snobbery. I ended up buying a Fellow Prismo (obligatory James Hoffmann review) and some of their fancy tasting glasses. They should arrive on Friday. It’ll be interesting to have “espresso-style coffee” out of my Aeropress. Also I seem to be accumulating quite the collection of coffee brewing paraphernalia.

I am also very tempted to get a Rok now. Maybe I should, like, get a decently-paying job first.

webmention.js updated fluffy rambles


The fact that yesterday’s intent post ended up changing URLs (because I’d inadvertently titled it for 2020 instead of 2019) made it so that it made sense to finally add support for multiple incoming webmention target URLs. So I added this to webmention.js, and also to the sample templates. So now I can slurp up arbitrarily many target URLs' mentions on any given page.

Incidentally, yesterday I ended up releasing a new version of Pushl which also has to do with URL updates. Gee, I wonder why these things both came up in such close proximity.

So anyway this is two IndieWeb-focused things in as many days and they aren’t even things I was intending to work on. But low-hanging fruit is just as tasty.