N-gendered Haiku


The two genders are:
cuties, gentlebeauties, and
off-by-one errors



When you are born, you are given a shelf to put things on. The shelf is angled away from the wall a little bit, but that’s okay, because the things you put on it are boxes and they don’t slide around too much.

But as you get older you’re given more things to put on the shelf. And one of them is a bit round.

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Fruit Short stories


Once upon a time there were two shapes: a Circle and a Square. They stumbled across a piece of fruit one day, and inside that fruit there were six seeds. Being fair and equal and perfectly nice to each other, each of them took three seeds back to their home.

All three of the Circle’s seeds sprouted and made wonderful trees, but the Square only got two trees. “Ah, that’s just the luck of the draw,” said the Circle. The Square agreed.

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Aquatic Ape Theory Dream log


As the ocean levels continued to rise, landmass became more and more scarce. During one particularly bad storm I was hiding out in a friend’s trailer. It was swept out to sea and we were trapped inside.

However, as our lungs filled with water, a curious thing happened — we did not drown. And, instead of floating, we simply remained neutrally-buoyant with the water.

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