Notes from the pain management workshop, week 5 fluffy rambles


Oops, I forgot to post these earlier while the session was fresh in my mind. I’m going to have to work a lot harder to decipher my handwriting this time around.

This was the 5th week. Next week is the last one. I’m kind of glad to see it ending. Sigh.

Topics covered this week:

  • Medications
  • Depression management
  • Physical activity
  • Mind management

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Thoughts on SQLite’s CoC fluffy rambles


Okay, so, I dropped peewee because of bad behavior on the part of the core maintainer. And then yesterday word got around that SQLite has a… rather tone-deaf but well-meaning CoC that is a bit off-putting. Plenty of people have written about the problems with this CoC itself so it’s not worth me adding my own hot takes on it, and I’m choosing to take Dr. Hipp at his word that he is being sincere about it being a moral framework for working with others and that he doesn’t mean it as a joke (despite the fact that he doesn’t seem to mind the people who are championing it as a “parody of social justice outrage culture” or complaining about the contributor covenant CoC with phrases like “purple-headed feminist” okay argh I’m ranting tangentially, focus).

(I should also mention that the timing of this going around was only a coincidence vis-a-vis my de-ORMing Publ musing. I actually wrote that article several days earlier and started thinking about it over a month ago, and considered rescheduling its publication because I didn’t want people thinking these things were related!)

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Making a hash of data Code


When I was replacing peewee with PonyORM, I was evaluating a few options, including moving away from an ORM entirely and simply storing the metadata in indexed tables in memory. This would have also helped to solve a couple of minor annoying design issues (such as improper encapsulation of the actual content state into the application instance), but I ended up not doing this.

A big reason why is that there don’t actually seem to be any useful in-memory indexed table libraries for Python. Or many other languages.

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On the current dumpster fire fluffy rambles


Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence:

The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.


“Sex means a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth,” the department proposed in the memo, which was drafted and has been circulating since last spring. “The sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.”

To everyone who wonders why trans people are always so unhappy, or why I keep on caring about politics and getting upset about things I can’t control, THIS IS WHY.

This policy isn’t just about nomenclature or bathrooms (although those are both very important!), it also affects me directly in terms of the health services I can receive. It is yet another case of the Republicans being the party of personal freedom but only for the freedoms that they want.

Gender is (partially) a social construct, chromosomes don’t tell the whole story, intersex people exist, trans people exist, dysphoria is real, choose love, be kind.

I refuse to be legislated out of existence.

Webmention is here, ActivityPub maybe next? fluffy rambles


I’ve been pretty busy with Publ and Pushl lately, mostly doing stuff to get Webmention support to a place where I’m happy with it (most of Publ’s recent improvements have been with the goal of making Pushl work better with it, although the side effect has been to also improve its cacheability which is a win for everyone).

Anyway, what’s cool about this is I’m already receiving a handful of natural webmentions, in particular on the ActivityPub rant which tells me that a lot of people are looking into ActivityPub for various reasons. (All of the webmentions thus far have been indications of folks “favoriting” it, which I choose to interpret as people agreeing with it.)

While getting this support in (and using IndieWebify.Me to verify my h-card/h-entry markup among other things) I learned about, which is a service that will convert webmentions into ActivityPub activity, for sites which configure a couple of request routes. Obviously I’m going to add direct support for that (in a way which will apparently be compatible, conveniently enough).

Anyway, this blog entry is mostly a test of that, because adding the redirection rule was pretty simple.

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Notes from the pain management workshop, week 3 fluffy rambles


Week 3’s curriculum covered the Moving Easy Program (a simple but effective stretching and minor strength training regimen), pacing and planning, treatment evaluation, and decision making strategies (both for treatment seeking and for other aspects of life).

Last week’s action plan was to do 10 minutes of yoga in the morning, 4 times. I was mostly successful, but only did it 3 times, as today I slept in from having to work late last night (doing a final build of the iOS app for Borealis).

Throughout today’s session we also got some useful affirmations that I can put onto my affirmation board:

  • Practice makes progress
  • You choose
  • Are you choosing pain?

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Oh gosh I’m busy fluffy rambles


Somehow I’ve managed to get really busy doing a lot of things all at once:

  • Scrambling to help get some AR stuff released for the Borealis Festival of Light
  • Working on Publ and Pushl
  • Doing a bunch of cooking? Which feels good?
  • Also I got a new mattress (affiliate link) and it was fun setting that up today I guess
  • Inktober (which oops I didn’t get around to doing for today, guess I’m doing double tomorrow)

For folks in Seattle, I should mention that lately I’ve been doing karaoke on Thursday nights, at Jai Thai. My friend Ed has been running their bar karaoke every Thursday starting at 9:30 and I’m taking a break from my Thursday night drawing group for a little while so it’s fun to just get up on stage and sing it out.

Anyway, Ed’s very friendly and inclusive and the crowd is usually pretty small so the rotation is pretty short. If you’re into singing in a positive, friendly, chill environment, think about coming on by!

Citrus soda syrup Food

  • 20mL agave nectar
  • 20mL of lemon or lime juice (or a combination of them, totaling 20mL)

Combine the above, and then add to 1 liter of sparkling water.

For an extra kick, add some powdered ginger, or replace some (or all) of the agave nectar with ginger syrup. And maybe a pinch or three of cayenne pepper.

Notes from the pain management workshop, week 2 fluffy rambles


This week was a lot more comprehensive than the first week, and it feels like a lot more happened in about the same amount of time.

The major areas of focus were: problem-solving, dealing with difficult emotions (especially useful for me right now), physical activity, relaxation techniques, and dealing with fatigue.

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