New pricing strategy fluffy rambles


After years of constantly lowering my prices, trying to get a vanishingly-small amount of sales on things I care about, I’ve decided to raise everything and make it uniform, across all of my music storefronts, namely:

Here’s my pricing strategy and rationale.

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Roasting coffee at home Coffee Talk


I love the flavor of coffee, but don’t really care much for caffeine. Unfortunately, finding good roasters that treat decaffeinated coffee with respect is difficult, and the ones which are out there tend to either default to a dark roast, or cost enormous amounts.

But with a $20 popcorn air popper you can roast your own coffee at home, and save a lot of money doing it!

I’ve been doing it.

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I did the thing fluffy rambles


The plan went pretty much according to keikaku1.


I had difficulty finding the studs because there’s some particleboard behind the drywall for some reason. Maybe some half-assed attempt at a moisture barrier or something? It was pretty obvious that it was there since it was visible through the light wiring hole. I ended up using some neodymium magnets to locate some drywall screws and then verified it by drilling pilot holes. I’m not absolutely certain that they’re screwed into studs but there’s a lot more support than there was before, and those screws are at least held tight to the wall.

On the left anchor I thought I’d messed up and that there actually was a stud behind it, somehow, and I started to patch it up so that I could screw in a construction screw instead (which is why there’s plaster on the left hole in the first picture), until I remembered, oh yeah, there’s weird backing board behind some of the drywall. So I drilled a smaller pilot hole and, yep, it went through easily, so yeah, it needed an anchor after all. (I mean I already knew that based on what had happened previously, but, still.)

Also I couldn’t find the nice toggle anchors I’d bought a couple years ago, so I ended up buying some similar ones at Home Depot. Which aren’t nearly as nice. A couple of them ended up breaking off and falling into the wall, and they were just kinda not-great to work with in general. But they did their job, and everything’s tightly screwed down.

Leveling the cabinet was a pain in the ass. It’d have been a lot easier if I had someone to help me but I was being stubborn about just getting this done.

Also, I didn’t need to do any painting, as all of the paint damage happened to be behind the cabinet. Nice.

Hopefully this time it stays up for more than two years!


Also I decided to be fancy and whipped up a custom centering jig to draw the centerline for drilling the holes in the hardwood. It was absolutely overkill but it didn’t take me long to do. I’ll probably post it as a customizable object on thingiverse/printables or something.

How to leave a Patreon Discord General Articles


I keep on seeing this come up where people want to support someone on Patreon but not be on the patron Discord. They’ll leave the Discord and then get automatically readded and it becomes incredibly frustrating. For years there was nothing you could do about this except either stop being a patron or ask the Discord in question to ban you (which could have other awful side effects, and make it much more difficult to rejoin if you actually want to).

A while back, though, Patreon quietly added the option to leave individual servers! It’s extremely well-hidden, but here’s how you can voluntarily leave a Discord without quitting the creator’s Patreon:

  1. Go to your Patreon member settings
  2. Under “More” select connected apps
  3. Click on Discord
  4. Now you have a list of all the servers you can leave and join!

As far as I know there’s no way to prevent joining a Discord when you first pledge to a creator, but this at least lets you stop being forcibly re-added after you leave.

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Bathroom remodel, day… wait what fluffy rambles


Remember how two years ago I got my bathroom remodeled and it turned into a ridiculous ordeal that lasted well over a month of me living in a hotel and, later, a temporary apartment due to the repeated incompetence of the workers involved? And then it eventually finished up and it was good enough? Aside from some later issues which were easily fixed by myself?

So, about that…

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