Pizza potluck Food


Every now and then I decide to have a party where I invite people over to have fun and chat while I feed them a bunch of homemade pizza. The format which seems to work best is a “pizza potluck,” where I provide the basics and everyone else brings interesting things to try as toppings. It’s a great party for someone who has a lot of friends but doesn’t have a lot of social energy and likes to make their friends happy and have people meet each other but would rather be a wall flower at their own party. Like me.

I’ve done this a few times now. Here’s some notes for things to do and things to avoid.

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My streaming setup General Articles


Streaming music production has its own set of challenges which aren’t well-addressed by the various tutorials out there. After a lot of iteration, here is a setup I ended up with that had a reasonable balance of flexibility and performance.

It should also be fairly adaptable to other situations where a single-computer setup doesn’t obtain the necessary performance.

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The World’s Cheapest iPod/iPhone Stand General Articles


A post on a minimal iPhone/iPad stand reminded me that I never shared my secret to making an excellent and cheap iPod/iPhone holder. (This should also be compatible with most Android devices; however, Windows Phone users are on their own.)

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