Basement 3 + music stuff


Last night I was having a massive pain flareup so I smoked huge amounts of cannabis. That made me feel somewhat better (if a bit silly) but it also meant I was extremely hung-over today and ended up having to cancel meeting up with Spud for a thing.

But, I got some basement reorganization done and hit a major milestone, and also listened to some great music while doing it.

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Song Fight! Live-ish 2023


This year’s Song Fight! Live will be premiering August 26 at 6 PM PDT/9 PM EDT. Please join me and my music friends with the mirth and merriment as we all perform songs while pretending it’s a concert! (And join in the live chat.)

Studio reorg, day 2


I took some time off after my first big progress day to regroup, since I was having a bit of soreness and a pain flareup, and also didn’t really know what steps to take next. I did do a little bit in the interim but it wasn’t worth documenting.

Anyway I finally figured out which steps to take next, and I got a lot done today!

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Studio reorg, day 1


The air was clear enough™ today (AQI in the upper 80s, which is still no fun for me to be outside but that’s good enough for being in the basement) and I got goaded along by some folks on the Song Fight! discord to “just do it,” so I decided to start the process of reorganizing stuff.

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hashtag NoAI


In yet another conversation about AI art on Discord, someone mentioned that most sites have the #NoAI hashtag to indicate that something should be off-limits to an AI art bot.

So, I installed a stable diffusion GUI and decided to see what the various AI models would generate for a prompt of just “NoAI.”

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Basement studio reorganization


I have a lot of project stuff that goes on in my basement. Unfortunately, my basement is extremely cluttered and disorganized, and I kind of hate being down there, which makes it so that I have a hard time actually doing anything creative down there either.

When I moved into my house two and a half years ago, I didn’t really have a plan for how to lay stuff out, and I just put stuff where it made sense as I unpacked it. Which means that there’s no real flow to things, and stuff tends to accumulate in piles, and things are just really badly disorganized.

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Don’t personally guarantee your startup Notes


Quoted: Don’t personally guarantee your startup

Based on their literature, Paintbrush provides a $50,000 loan with a very low-friction application and a fast decision. But the total repayment amount can be as much as $75,000, tied to a personal founder guarantee. That means that if your startup doesn’t work, you as a founder are required to pay that amount back at an amount pegged at 15% of your pre-tax income. For example, if your total income was $150,000, you would pay back $22,500 a year. That amounts to around 22% of what your post-tax takehome pay would be before payments like health insurance and rent.

So basically this is all of the downsides of traditional VC with none of the upsides. Yeesh.

In traditional VC, it’s the investors who are taking the risk of funding the company. This scheme is doing none of that and is instead what amounts to a payday loan.

Lab results

  • Cholesterol: Within normal range (thanks, Repatha)
  • Triglycerides: Still a little high, but not nearly as bad as they used to be (I’m guessing that them being a bit high means the doctor is still going to lecture me)
  • Blood glucose: 102mg/dL, which is technically a little high because of the law of round numbers, but c'mon
  • A1C: 6.0, which is right in the middle of the “pre-diabetic” range, which means I’m going to get a lecture about that too
  • MCH: 25.6pg, indicating I might be slightly anemic

Anyway it’s pretty clear that my home glucosimeter needs to be recalibrated or replaced.

Update: Doctor’s office left a voicemail which was surprisingly lecture-free. They just told me the same thing I wrote above and said there wasn’t really any change to make for now.

The joys of being alive


So, yesterday I had my 6-month followup with the cardiologist regarding the heart-related stuff and got the usual litany of obnoxious hand-wringing around my labs (evne though they were now very out-of-date) and yet another lecture about lipids and triglycerides, which, yes, this is why I am seeing you. Meh.

Anyway, the upshot of this is that he did order new labs for me (which I have no issue with, of course, just with how he talked about ordering them), and this morning I figured I’d go get them done. And before doing them I figured I’d use my OTC blood glucose meter to get an idea of what to expect with the blood sugar results.

It came back with 296 mg/dL.

That is… high.

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Driving anxiety and music for 8/10


I’m still having some pretty bad anxiety while driving, but the choir has started up rehearsals again which gives me a reason to drive at least once a week. Last night I felt anxious on my way there but totally fine on the way back.

Anyway, today I finally made my way out to the Renton Uwajimaya, which I’d been wanting to go to for a while, mostly as a driving acclimation thing but also to get some ingredients that I haven’t found at any of the Asian groceries in White Center. Most of the drive, as it turns out, is the same as the drive to the church the choir’s rehearsals are at, which makes sense since Renton is just a bit further down Rainier Ave. And I was anxious but I made it just fine, and on my drive back I was anxious in a few spots but I made it just fine.

I think if I keep doing this stuff I’ll feel fine faster.

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Random stuff done today


I got stuff done today! For example:

Oh yeah also I’m getting fairly active on Cohost and my asks are open. It’s fun. Way nicer than Tumblr, anyway.

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Publ’s insurmountable technical debt


Back when Publ was brand-new I was using a fairly common ORM for managing my database. It was okay but I had some issues with how the project was being run, particularly in how the core maintainer treated bug reporters who were reporting things that he didn’t personally agree with.

So I switched to Pony ORM, which has a much nicer, more-Pythonic API, and whose maintainers are friendly and helpful. It’s missing a few important functions such as migrations but for Publ it doesn’t matter so much and they were always claiming that migrations were coming “real soon now” for a while.

Unfortunately, some changes in Python 3.11 broke Pony completely, and progress on getting it working again has been, well, slow.

Back when I switched to Pony I mused about just dropping SQL entirely and moving to a more primitive indexed data store, such as lmdb. But I really do not have it in me to completely redo all that stuff in Publ again, especially with all of the weird regressions that always occur due to subtle differences in locking behavior and so on.

Sometimes I think how now that I actually know how Publ should work I should rewrite it with better testability and a more actively-developed Markdown processor (because misaka has also been abandoned and is in permafreeze status), and if I’m going to do that, maybe I should use it as an excuse to finally learn Rust because honestly the Python ecosystem is kind of a mess right now.

I’ve put so much work into Publ but keeping the project going just feels so… difficult.

Or I mean I could switch to any number of existing site generators out there but then I’d be giving up all of the things that makes Publ unique (friends-only/access-controlled entries, variadic templates, top-notch template-driven image renditions, etc.).

This is one of those things where the decision would be a lot easier to make if people were actually helping to fund Publ development or if it had any actual, y'know, users.

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Music finds for August 4


Getting back on my “listen to music to calm my shitty brain” thing, because it was helping and then I started to forget to do it again.

I might add more as the day goes on.

Bandcamp Friday: August 4


Hey it’s Bandcamp Friday! This means today’s a good day to buy music on Bandcamp. (Such as mine.)

Here’s what I’ve bought this month: