iTunes Match kinda sucks fluffy rambles


So remember how I was using iTunes Match and a smart shuffle app to manage my music?

Well, that hasn’t ended up working all that well.

The smart shuffle app, in particular, is incredibly unreliable and slow, and also my iTunes Match-backed library has… Issues.

Like, a lot of songs won’t sync over because of an “unspecified error” (I assume label interference, because they’re all songs from a particular label as far as I can tell), and a lot of other songs won’t sync over because they appear as “duplicates” since like… sometimes I have more than one instance of a song across multiple albums. Best-of compilations and singles releases and so on. Sometimes it does legitimately find a duplicate I want to get rid of but most of the time it’s just… not. And even when it does, it’s a crapshoot as to which one it decides is the duplicate and which is the “real” one.

Like. My whole thing is listening to albums, not individual songs, and if a song appears in multiple albums, I want it to be played within all of those albums.

At least they seem to have figured out that there are sometimes multiple versions of a song by the same artist and on different albums (like, it never seems to show the various Past Masters versions of Beatles songs as duplicates of the album versions). (Oh I guess I talked about that last time too. Obviously this is important to me.)

I’ve also noticed that playing songs on the iPhone doesn’t update the play stats in my cloud library, and even with the enormity of my library I’m still hearing albums more frequently than I’d like.

I feel like there has got to be a better way than any of this.

Oh wait, there was one, and Apple stopped bothering to support it.

💬 Re: Auto-XYZ Notes


In reply to: Re: Auto-XYZ

It looks like there are some percent-20 characters I need to clean up and I should try to show your posts in chronological order—so this has already been great for catching problems.

Yep, I’d noticed you weren’t handling spaces or dt-published. Glad you caught that too. :)

One thing to keep in mind is that your posts will really only show up under the first tag in the list.

Makes sense. What happens if I change what the primary tag is, and then re-ping?

Anyway, great work on Publ. It’s cool to see what you’re doing with logins—love the idea of IndieAuth on

Just to clarify, Publ can’t run on as far as I know (it needs the ability to run WSGI apps); my mention of was specifically about people having their IndieWeb profile live on there but delegating IndieAuth to an external endpoint (e.g. IndieLogin) – in theory a user could delegate to an external endpoint which spoofs a different identity (such as AnyAuth), which is an issue with the URL validation step of the IndieAuth spec.

Authl’s URL validation already adopts my proposed change, where the validated URL must be more specific than the requested one (for example, can become or, but it can’t become or

Novembeat 2018 Music


One song every day over the first half of November, 2018.

Listen on Bandcamp.

💬 Re: Magic auth catch-22 Notes


In reply to: Re: Magic auth catch-22

Ahh—ok. Makes sense. I’m not doing this in my reader—I don’t want to risk rel=“self” being wrong. Is there a compelling reason to do this? I mean if I’m able to fetch the feed, why risk it?

Because sometimes sites migrate to new platforms or new domains and RSS feeds change location, and this helps to avoid linkrot or unpleasant surprises with realizing that you’ve missed a few years of updates because the feed quietly went missing.

Incidentally, I have implemented AutoAuth on this site. Gonna make a more formal announcement shortly.

Re: Why Publ won’t support magic auth links fluffy rambles


In response to a Publ blog post, Kicks Condor writes:

One question, though—could the Atom feed list rel alternate versions of the feed? (That would have type application/atom+xml?) It also seems like rel self could have the non-authenticated version of the feed. It doesn’t make sense for credentials to be in that URL. These are possibly naive suggestions—apologies, if so. Again, fantastic write-up!

The problem is that it’s up to the sharing news reader to know which URL to use for the sharing, and there’s no way to control what URL the reader happens to use. I know that Feed On Feeds will use the URL for the actual subscription (since that’s the only source URL it tracks in the first place), and who knows what other readers with sharing features will do!

And changing the rel="self" URL has a different problem – some readers (again, such as Feed On Feeds) treat that as the canonical URL and will update their subscriptions to point to that URL instead, so setting rel="self" to the unauthenticated feed means most users will be unable to remain logged in.

Basically, it’s a tricky issue that has no right answer with the Atom spec as it currently exists. So if some other mechanism has to be designed, it might as well be done in a safe, unambiguous way from the beginning. If some other use case for magic auth links comes up I’ll reconsider implementing them, but at least for friends-only subscription access, the privacy risks are simply not worth it.

Gah fluffy rambles


Why didn’t anyone tell me that the previous blog post was posted as a very-broken comics post