House updates and other miscellani fluffy rambles


My new roof is finally getting installed. It sure is loud and poundy. Supposedly this is a two-day project so theoretically they are around halfway done. Unlike most home renovation stuff I can’t easily take photos showing the progress. Oh well.

Also after trying to work on some music in my newly-rearranged basement I was finding that having the computer desk in the center of the back “wall” with keyboard way off to the left looked cool but it made actually working on music a major drag, since I couldn’t just turn and start recording, I’d have to get up and take a few steps over, and that made my workflow really frustrating. So since I couldn’t work on music today anyway (because noise) I reoriented stuff to be a bit more like how it used to be, with the desk on the left and the keyboard to the right of it, and now it’s way more comfortable to work on things.

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sadlkfaslk;jfaslkjfdaslkjfdaslkjsdajkhffasdklj; fluffy rambles


Well I sure have a bunch of craps for the crap pile right now.


  1. My dental insurance doesn’t cover crowns at all as it turns out, so it’s not just that my insurance was maxed out, that crown is gonna cost me like $1800 no matter what. I’m still putting it off because if I have a new crown on both sides of my mouth it’ll be difficult for me to eat for a while. Which isn’t great.

  2. I’m in considerable pain right now, as usual

  3. My “prior authorization” on my (expensive) cholesterol meds ran out and the process for getting that renewed is in some sort of limbo and I still don’t think it even matters

  4. I NEED A NEW FUCKING ROOF. previous homeowner insisted it was only 10 years old when I bought the place. Multiple neighbors remember it being installed around 10 years before I bought the place. Solar panel company said the roof seemed fine for several years to come. THEY WERE ALL WRONG.

    Fortunately I got an estimate on the roof replacement, and it’ll cost “only” around $16,000, which is a lot less than I was expecting. If I’d known it was going to be that cheap I’d have just done it before getting solar panels! Because getting the solar panels removed and reinstalled is going to cost another $3000! ARGH

  5. The job market still fucking sucks and I’m unable to find anything I’m capable of doing that also pays anything reasonable, and social security is still taking their time in evaluating my disability application, and everything’s a struggle right now

On the plus side

I’m finally making some progress on the GUI for Bandcrash. I’ve made peace with Qt and am just using that. I wrote my own custom data binding layer so that it can just modify the JSON data directly. It seems okay. Progress is slow but hopefully it’ll be worth it.

Also I still have plenty of savings, at least. Sigh.

I wonder how people in a similar situation to me who don’t have a net worth of [somewhat large, but not quite “fuck off,” amount of money] handle this.

I’m grateful that I’ve been fortunate enough to be in a situation where even all this still isn’t financially ruinous.

Still wish I didn’t have to be grateful for that, all things considered.

Anyway, while I’m not even remotely close to GoFundMe levels of need, I still wouldn’t mind if people would consider throwing some money my way for the stuff that I do, either via ko-fi or via buying stuff I’ve made.

(Note to self: there’s still a lot of shit I need to get around to re-adding to my various online stores.)

I… Have… THE POWER!!! fluffy rambles


Over the last week I’ve been getting a solar generation system installed on my roof. Today it finally became operational.

The system itself was designed and installed by Sun Path Electric, which were amazing to work with. I’d gone through the bid process with a few companies (including a fairly shady one that was advertising on YouTube) and Sun Path definitely gave me the best configuration and price, as well as the highest confidence in their ability to execute correctly.

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