Slip casting update fluffy rambles


Notes to self:

  • 6 minutes of kick time seems like a lot until you suddenly have to patch your mold because you’ve noticed there’s leaks in it
  • Adding more water after it starts to kick does not slow it down, it just makes it fail entirely
  • 1mm is not enough thickness on your outer shell, either
  • Starting with a 100mm square pot was probably a bit ambitious
  • It’s probably easier to mix the plaster in multiple small batches instead of trying to make it all go at once

Oh well, it was a good learning experience, as long as I actually learned from it.

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Bathroom hopeful conclusion fluffy rambles


Oh yeah, earlier today the original contractor came by to look at things. He’s agreed to do the finishing-up work for free, and also will be reimbursing me for the plumbing expenses, which is very kind of him. When I showed him what his previous plumber had done he was incredibly shocked by it.

Hopefully the work will be finished up sometime in the next month; unfortunately he’s traveling soon and won’t be back for a few weeks, but he said he will hopefully be able to schedule someone to do the patching-up.

Bambu X1C fixed fluffy rambles


Oh yeah, today the replacement heat bed sensor cable arrived. It was a major pain in the ass to replace. I ended up routing it differently than the manufacturer intended because the factory routing is clearly what causes the conductors to wear down and fail, and anyway doing it the right way would have required basically disassembling the entire printer.

But anyway I have a working main printer again and so I’ve resumed my production run. The current thing I’m making has TPU parts on it and that filament needs to print slowly so I’m keeping the old printer busy with it (since it’s not like the X1C can make it go any faster anyway). During the downtime I did do a couple of prints of the main PETG part and got a reminder of just how bad the old printer is at printing PETG (slow, lots of stringing, etc.) but it at least let me validate the correctness of the threaded insert.

I also have all of my plaster slip casting equipment and material now, so tomorrow I’ll probably print a calibration cube to make a slip cast mold of (and I guess that would be fun to fire as well). It’ll be fun to have anoter tool for creating things, and it’s nice that slip casting can go entirely in parallel with 3D printing aside from printing the templates.

Oh except I just realized I never bought plasticine, but I can get that at Target. I also still need to get the oil soap as well (which I can also get there).

Anyway, based on how obnoxious it was to fix the X1C, I think if I get a third printer for my print farm it’ll be the A1. It’s just as fast as the P1P and is WAY easier to maintain. The downside is that being a bed-slinger it’s still prone to some of the more annoying print defects inherent to that (especially ring artifacts). Also its AMS takes up a hell of a lot of desk space, but I wasn’t planning on getting a second AMS anyway. I mostly use my X1C’s as a fancy dry box, and there’s much cheaper dry boxes out there. It does mean that my multimaterial prints can only happen on the X1C, though, unless I go through the hassle of getting the Palette working again.

Fireplace done! fluffy rambles


The fireplace work has finished, and conveniently today my firewood storage rack also arrived. The fellow recommended that I wait another 24 hours before lighting it up, though, as the cement needs time to cure.

I’m wondering what to do with the decorative logs that were left in the fireplace all this time. They were just like. Cutesy logs that were used as part of the home staging and got left behind.

I think these are them and the description says:

This is a natural product with zero chemical treatments or additives. This is a decorative product and not intended for burning, which could expose user to soot and carbon monoxide.

so I’m getting mixed messages here.

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Things and stuff fluffy rambles



Plumbing was supposed to happen today but they somehow forgot to put me on the schedule. Which I found out when I’d called the plumber to find out when they were intending to start, and they had some more questions for me anyway, and it turns out they’d meant to send a new estimate based on what I’d figured out. Hopefully it’ll happen soon.


Fireplace work started today, but the fireplace folks still hadn’t gotten the liner purchased (and couldn’t get it because all the suppliers are still closed), so now I have a chimney with flashing and a crown but no cap, which means if it rains tonight there will be water inside, because for some reason the dude in his infinite wisdom didn’t even cover it with a tarp. Sigh. This particular fireplace contractor isn’t so great at the communicating.

But anyway the old chimney cap did come down and it’s incredibly rusted and shoddy and was very much falling apart so yeah, I’m glad this work got done when it did, before things got way, way worse.

3D printing

I was about to start a production run of the tamping stations, and my printer decided that this would be a perfect time for its bed leveling sensor to fail. So I switched back to my old Artillery Genius for now (oh god it is so slow and the bed is so small1) and spent all day trying to troubleshoot the sensor. Apparently there’s a pretty common problem with the X1C where the sensor’s cable (a $4 part) tends to fail weirdly. In this case, I think that when it recalibrated because of the firmware update, a marginal connection got shaken loose.

Anyway, so I ordered a $4 cable which had $7 shipping on it, so I ended up ordering a bunch of filament, and then discovered that I apparently have a Bambu filament membership? I’m not sure when I ended up with that. Was it something Bambu gave me for being a Kickstarter backer? I’m not finding any records in my email of having subscribed or being given it. Well, in any case, it means that Bambu’s branded filament is currently cheaper than my usual supplier anyway. But gosh I have a lot of filament now.

In any case, I’m thinking of ramping up my production which means it’d actually be beneficial for me to build an actual print farm, and I’m considering getting a Bambu P1P or P1S to supplement my X1C. But if I do end up pivoting into ceramics I don’t think more printers would be useful, since there my limiting factor is how many plaster molds I have in service and how much stuff I can load up in the kiln up the street.

Oh, and I got my first Etsy sale today! I hope the buyer is happy with their new Timemore catch cup.

Plumbing fluffy rambles


I’m feeling like maybe I should have become a plumber, as I’m getting pretty good at figuring out what’s going on behind my shower (in ways that the plumbers who actually came out to look at it and give estimates on seem to have missed). It looks like the problem is just with the connection between the shower head and the valve. It’s possible that with the right tools it’d be possible to just open up the wall a little bit to gain access to the valve side of the pipe to tighten (and maybe re-tape) it, and then the shower head end might only need the drywall to be opened up to have that connection tightened as well. I might not need any retiling at all! That would be ideal, at least.

Anyway this is stuff to go over with the plumber next week.

The plumber who did the “quick fix” and diagnosis on tuesday, incidentally, made a couple of things a lot worse, and I just ended up having to replace my tub spout as well (because he installed it with loc-tite on the faucet end for some reason, even knowing that this was meant to be a temporary fix). Oh well, the one I replaced it with is much nicer looking. The pipe leading to it is a little bit too long now, though. Do I need to cut it down and get a threading tool or something?

Fire place, fire sale fluffy rambles


The fireplace work didn’t start today due to the rain. They originally rescheduled it for tomorrow but then the person scheduled for tomorrow got sick, so it’ll be Monday at the earliest. … And I just realized that means they scheduled it for Christmas, which seems weird. I’m guessing they’re going to start on Tuesday instead. Which is the same day the plumbers were planning to start on my bathroom. Oy.

Anyway, my big blue couch is finally gone, and so is my resin printer. Now I just need to do some more decluttering of my living room (and find a home for the crap that I was keeping on the surviving couch), and also figure out where the heck I’m going to keep my folding treadmill because it’s a little too tall to go under the red couch. I suppose I could prop it up by a couple inches with some riser feet or something but that feels iffy to me.

I had briefly thought I was going to maybe set up a gym space downstairs (for the treadmill and my DDR setup) but there just isn’t room for it down there either. The treadmill hasn’t really been all that enjoyable to use anyway, though, so maybe I’ll just sell it in January when everyone’s suddenly interested in getting exercise. For now it’s stashed awkwardly behind my couch, and preventing me from setting up my cozy fireplace area the way I want to.

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Another home project: fireplace fluffy rambles


Another thing I’d been putting off way too long on this house was getting my fireplace evaluated, with a bunch of stuff that had been called out on the home inspection report.

Today I finally had a chimney inspector come out and he said that it’s in mostly good shape, but that the chimney cap would need to be replaced with a more modern crown, the flashing needs to be replaced, and of course the whole thing needs to be swept out. The estimate for all that came to be not a huge amount of money so I went ahead and scheduled that work too.

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Another bathroom update fluffy rambles


Got a second estimate from a plumber today. This one did a much more thorough diagnosis than the first one and he determined that there is definitely a leak between the valve and the tub spout, and pointed out some definite problems left by the contractors. This was a pretty thorough amount of work that took a few hours and cost a chunk of money, but that’ll make the estimation from the remaining plumber (who will be coming on Thursday) a lot more straightforward.

Today’s plumber estimates that the necessary plumbing work will be around $3000, plus however much it costs to redo the tiling. He said there’s tilers that his company works with which might work well although scheduling is difficult at present. And they’d be able to limit the amount of tiling work that needs to be redone, at least.

Anyway on Thursday I should have the final estimate for the plumbing stuff and then I can try working with the bathroom contractor in terms of who’s paying for all this. Or maybe he’d be able to prove the quality of his new crew by doing it for free but I’d have no reason to trust him to do a good job at this point.


Bathroom update fluffy rambles


This morning’s shower with the exposed drywall confirmed that there is definitely a leak, on the output side of the valve.

Some tile is going to have to be removed and reinstalled. I guess I need to start looking at bathroom contractors again.

I do not need this right now fluffy rambles


There is a fucking leak in the wall behind my bathtub

It is probably yet another fucking hurrah from the shitty goddamn bathroom remodeler folks

It is going to be fucking expensive to fix

Maybe the plumbers will be able to get at the pipes from the side but I’m not optimistic about that

This leak has probably been there for a while but it’s taken this long to be apparent, because it was slowly eroding away the drywall next to the tub and causing the baseboards to swell up

I suspect I’m going to need to sue the contractor for gross negligence

At least I still have plenty of tile left over from the renovation, in case the worst comes to pass and I need to get that wall redone

anyway this guy fucking sucks

What, another grinder?! Timemore Sculptor 064s Coffee Talk


As much as I appreciated my Sette 270, there were a few things I didn’t like about it:

  • The fine adjustment mechanism is weird and unpredictable (due to the dual-ring thing)
  • It is incredibly loud
  • Grinding for espresso usually took 3-4 cycles due to popcorning
  • The dang felt pretty huge (relative to my tiny kitchen)
  • It’s built for keeping stuff in the hopper rather than single-dosing

I was considering a number of other grinders (most notably the Option-O Lagom Mini) but then in April, Timemore announced the Timemore Sculptor series, in a number of sizes and grind profiles. And the requisite Kickstarter had it on a pretty deep discount.

So anyway, I backed the 064s (64mm stepless variant) and expected to wait.

And wait I did! But the lovely new grinder arrived today.

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Baby, It’s Cold Outside fluffy rambles


It’s December, when people start on the Baby, It’s Cold Outside discourse again.

The song was written in a different era when different idioms were in place. It is not a song about aggressive sexual advances (much less date rape!), it’s a song about an unmarried couple trying to come up with excuses to spend the night together, in a society where that was extremely frowned upon.

There’s a pretty good explanation of it by Pessoa on Genius Lyrics:

In a modern climate, these lines are often seen as Marilyn catching Dean putting a roofie in her drink, followed by simpler date-sexual assault. Dean also defends that his feelings are ostensibly more meaningful than Marilyn’s.

When the song was written in 1944, it was seen as scandalous for women to stay the night with someone who wasn’t their husband. As seen earlier (and later) in the song, the girl has a strong desire to stay with the man, regardless of the social norm—not to mention there’s a strong blizzard outside.

The line “Say, what’s in this drink?” was a common phrase women would use as a way to attribute their deviance to a strong drink. The phrase was originally a nod to the idea that alcohol is “making” them do something unusual when there is actually nothing in the drink—the drink is to blame. In Frank Loesser’s original version, the girl pretends to resist his advancements so she can tell others it wasn’t her fault for deviating from the then-current societal expectations.

There’s also a pretty good discussion about this song in Rolling Stone Magazine.

Also the song was originally written by Frank Loesser to have something he and his wife could sing to their party guests when it was time for them to go the fuck home.

Music keyboard upgrade downgrade change: Casio PX-S1100 fluffy rambles


So the new keyboard arrived today and I swapped it into my setup, along with the Akai MPK49 (which I also finally restored to working condition). Here’s some vague unstructured thoughts about it.

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Final Bandcamp Friday of 2023! fluffy rambles


Today is Bandcamp Friday. That makes it a very good time to support independent musicians.

Right now I could use a bit of cash, as I’ve been hit with some unexpected expenses and I don’t have much of a safety net regarding money I can access right now. So, if you have any interest in my music, right now is a very good time to buy some of it. Or my whole discography, even. I have around two dozen releases each in a wide variety of genres, almost all written by me.

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House updates and other miscellani fluffy rambles


My new roof is finally getting installed. It sure is loud and poundy. Supposedly this is a two-day project so theoretically they are around halfway done. Unlike most home renovation stuff I can’t easily take photos showing the progress. Oh well.

Also after trying to work on some music in my newly-rearranged basement I was finding that having the computer desk in the center of the back “wall” with keyboard way off to the left looked cool but it made actually working on music a major drag, since I couldn’t just turn and start recording, I’d have to get up and take a few steps over, and that made my workflow really frustrating. So since I couldn’t work on music today anyway (because noise) I reoriented stuff to be a bit more like how it used to be, with the desk on the left and the keyboard to the right of it, and now it’s way more comfortable to work on things.

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Find me on Printables fluffy rambles


I used to use Makerbot’s Thingiverse as my 3D printing sharing platform of choice, but it’s gone way downhill over the last few years. However, Printables, run by Prusa (makers of a very popular 3D printer), is quite nice, and provides way more functionality and way less jank. I’ve been using it as my primary source of STL files for quite some time now, and I’ve stopped bothering with uploading to Thingiverse entirely at this point.

I’d love to see more people move over there. It’s a much nicer community with better sharing, remixing, and commentary, and it’s also way faster and more reliable than Thingiverse. What’s also really nice is if you already have a Thingiverse profile, they will automatically import all your stuff over, too!

Anyway, check out my profile there.

Taking a break from stuff fluffy rambles


So yeah I’m deep in a pain flareup right now. I made sure that all of the critical bugs in bandcrash are, to my knowledge, fixed, but I just am not in a situation where I can really work on stuff right now due to a massive pain flareup.

I was just starting to work on some music for a game jam game and Novembeat but I don’t think that’s really in the cards for me this year.

And of course now that I’m in agony, suddenly a lot of folks want to interview me for engineering roles that I’d normally be very interested in, so, thanks for twisting the knife on that one.

At least choir is going pretty well and gives me stuff to look forward to.

💬 Re: I wish there were a better story around replying to blogs Notes


In reply to: Re: I wish there were a better story around replying to blogs

I agree that this is a massive pain point and it’s something I’ve talked about a lot on this blog.

At present, I use a combination of 1 (via isso) and 4 (via + webmention.js). The integration on 4 is also helped by using Bridgy and Bridgy Fed to receive webmentions from Mastodon and many of the silos, which strikes an okay balance for me, although it’s far from perfect.

One of the biggest problems with webmention, IMO, is that it doesn’t provide a good story for protected/private responses to protected/private entries. Ticket Auth might eventually provide that, but adoption of that protocol has been slow-going, to say the least, and there’s still open questions about how to actually manage the credentials in an unsupervised flow (especially when using a third-party webmention endpoint). An older WIP called AutoAuth had a much better story for that use case but the protocol was incredibly complicated and implementations never progressed beyond the proof-of-concept stage.

For me, isso as my primary comment system remains the least-bad option of a lot of bad options.

New pricing strategy fluffy rambles


After years of constantly lowering my prices, trying to get a vanishingly-small amount of sales on things I care about, I’ve decided to raise everything and make it uniform, across all of my music storefronts, namely:

Here’s my pricing strategy and rationale.

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Roasting coffee at home Coffee Talk


I love the flavor of coffee, but don’t really care much for caffeine. Unfortunately, finding good roasters that treat decaffeinated coffee with respect is difficult, and the ones which are out there tend to either default to a dark roast, or cost enormous amounts.

But with a $20 popcorn air popper you can roast your own coffee at home, and save a lot of money doing it!

I’ve been doing it.

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I did the thing fluffy rambles


The plan went pretty much according to keikaku1.


I had difficulty finding the studs because there’s some particleboard behind the drywall for some reason. Maybe some half-assed attempt at a moisture barrier or something? It was pretty obvious that it was there since it was visible through the light wiring hole. I ended up using some neodymium magnets to locate some drywall screws and then verified it by drilling pilot holes. I’m not absolutely certain that they’re screwed into studs but there’s a lot more support than there was before, and those screws are at least held tight to the wall.

On the left anchor I thought I’d messed up and that there actually was a stud behind it, somehow, and I started to patch it up so that I could screw in a construction screw instead (which is why there’s plaster on the left hole in the first picture), until I remembered, oh yeah, there’s weird backing board behind some of the drywall. So I drilled a smaller pilot hole and, yep, it went through easily, so yeah, it needed an anchor after all. (I mean I already knew that based on what had happened previously, but, still.)

Also I couldn’t find the nice toggle anchors I’d bought a couple years ago, so I ended up buying some similar ones at Home Depot. Which aren’t nearly as nice. A couple of them ended up breaking off and falling into the wall, and they were just kinda not-great to work with in general. But they did their job, and everything’s tightly screwed down.

Leveling the cabinet was a pain in the ass. It’d have been a lot easier if I had someone to help me but I was being stubborn about just getting this done.

Also, I didn’t need to do any painting, as all of the paint damage happened to be behind the cabinet. Nice.

Hopefully this time it stays up for more than two years!


Also I decided to be fancy and whipped up a custom centering jig to draw the centerline for drilling the holes in the hardwood. It was absolutely overkill but it didn’t take me long to do. I’ll probably post it as a customizable object on thingiverse/printables or something.

How to leave a Patreon Discord General Articles


I keep on seeing this come up where people want to support someone on Patreon but not be on the patron Discord. They’ll leave the Discord and then get automatically readded and it becomes incredibly frustrating. For years there was nothing you could do about this except either stop being a patron or ask the Discord in question to ban you (which could have other awful side effects, and make it much more difficult to rejoin if you actually want to).

A while back, though, Patreon quietly added the option to leave individual servers! It’s extremely well-hidden, but here’s how you can voluntarily leave a Discord without quitting the creator’s Patreon:

  1. Go to your Patreon member settings
  2. Under “More” select connected apps
  3. Click on Discord
  4. Now you have a list of all the servers you can leave and join!

As far as I know there’s no way to prevent joining a Discord when you first pledge to a creator, but this at least lets you stop being forcibly re-added after you leave.

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Bathroom remodel, day… wait what fluffy rambles


Remember how two years ago I got my bathroom remodeled and it turned into a ridiculous ordeal that lasted well over a month of me living in a hotel and, later, a temporary apartment due to the repeated incompetence of the workers involved? And then it eventually finished up and it was good enough? Aside from some later issues which were easily fixed by myself?

So, about that…

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Bandcrash early alpha/beta/whatever released fluffy rambles


So hey, the Bandcrash GUI is finally, finally in a working state! You can now use it to easily encode a bunch of wav files into mp3/ogg/flac and make a web preview, and optionally upload it all to automagically!

Also, I’ve released prebuilt macOS and Windows binaries over on I’ll probably do a Linux version as well at some point, although Linux users are likely much better-equipped to just build-and-install it themselves.

To that end, I used it to upload one of my older albums to itch, and I gotta say, having a GUI to set it up is actually a lot nicer than doing it all from the CLI with hand-written JSON files? Weird.

There’s still a lot left to do on it but what is there right now is Good Enough for now.

That said, I’m hopeful that bandcamp remains viable for the long term, but now it’s a lot less necessary to worry about a single platform like that.

Bandcrash GUI progress fluffy rambles


I’ve made a bunch of progress on the GUI for bandcrash! After a bunch of false starts trying to figure out the “easy” and/or “right” way of doing things, I ended up just doing things the kinda-boneheaded way, using Qt and way too much stateful boilerplate. I figure that Working is better than Nonexistent, and someone who’s better at GUI shit than me could probably come along and improve things later.

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On the plus side fluffy rambles


I finally replaced my blood sugar meter and, after verifying the new one’s calibration, my blood sugar is back to normal-ish, which is to say, 110 mg/dL after waking up, which is still “prediabetic” but not even remotely “go to the hospital.”

I’m not sure if it’s the meter or my test strips which were bad, but either way doing a refresh on the whole kit was a good idea, especially since I only do occasional testing. The included sample strips and test fluid always last me way longer than the “discard after” time, and I also was never great about closing the test strip vial after taking one out (which I guess can affect the chemistry), and given how infrequently I need to test, it just makes more sense for me to buy a new test kit bundle when I need to.

I wonder what the useful lifetime on a blood glucose tester is supposed to be, anyway. They sure seem to be made to be disposable. (But also that’s probably a function of how they work to begin with. Reagents always degrade, as do chemical detectors.)

But at least we can take blood sugar off of my immediate list of concerns.

sadlkfaslk;jfaslkjfdaslkjfdaslkjsdajkhffasdklj; fluffy rambles


Well I sure have a bunch of craps for the crap pile right now.


  1. My dental insurance doesn’t cover crowns at all as it turns out, so it’s not just that my insurance was maxed out, that crown is gonna cost me like $1800 no matter what. I’m still putting it off because if I have a new crown on both sides of my mouth it’ll be difficult for me to eat for a while. Which isn’t great.

  2. I’m in considerable pain right now, as usual

  3. My “prior authorization” on my (expensive) cholesterol meds ran out and the process for getting that renewed is in some sort of limbo and I still don’t think it even matters

  4. I NEED A NEW FUCKING ROOF. previous homeowner insisted it was only 10 years old when I bought the place. Multiple neighbors remember it being installed around 10 years before I bought the place. Solar panel company said the roof seemed fine for several years to come. THEY WERE ALL WRONG.

    Fortunately I got an estimate on the roof replacement, and it’ll cost “only” around $16,000, which is a lot less than I was expecting. If I’d known it was going to be that cheap I’d have just done it before getting solar panels! Because getting the solar panels removed and reinstalled is going to cost another $3000! ARGH

  5. The job market still fucking sucks and I’m unable to find anything I’m capable of doing that also pays anything reasonable, and social security is still taking their time in evaluating my disability application, and everything’s a struggle right now

On the plus side

I’m finally making some progress on the GUI for Bandcrash. I’ve made peace with Qt and am just using that. I wrote my own custom data binding layer so that it can just modify the JSON data directly. It seems okay. Progress is slow but hopefully it’ll be worth it.

Also I still have plenty of savings, at least. Sigh.

I wonder how people in a similar situation to me who don’t have a net worth of [somewhat large, but not quite “fuck off,” amount of money] handle this.

I’m grateful that I’ve been fortunate enough to be in a situation where even all this still isn’t financially ruinous.

Still wish I didn’t have to be grateful for that, all things considered.

Anyway, while I’m not even remotely close to GoFundMe levels of need, I still wouldn’t mind if people would consider throwing some money my way for the stuff that I do, either via ko-fi or via buying stuff I’ve made.

(Note to self: there’s still a lot of shit I need to get around to re-adding to my various online stores.)

Goodbye pyBlamscamp, hello Bandcrash! fluffy rambles


As mentioned earlier today, the pyBlamscamp name was incredibly confusing and needed to be changed. Thankfully, blackle mori (who made blamscamp in the first place) came up with a much better name suggestion, “Bandcrash.” I have now renamed pyBlamscamp and its associated Python package appropriately. The blamscamp pypi project now just exists as a thin wrapper around bandcrash and its usage should be discontinued.

Existing installations should continue to work (and might even pull in future updates!) but it’s highly recommended that any scripts, venvs, etc. that rely on it be updated with the new package.

And of course this gives me even more of an impetus to finally write that damn GUI.

pyBlamscamp updated, and it should probably be renamed fluffy rambles


Because of the recent shenanigans I’ve been working on pyBlamscamp again.

For now I’ve just been working on refactoring it to make a GUI possible, and improving performance by actually parallelizing execution wherever possible. And it’s a lot faster now! On my Mac studio (with the files hosted on my NAS), it now takes only 13 seconds to do the full encode of Lo-Fi Beats to Grind Coffee To, down from the previous 105. That’s 8 times as fast! (Presumably it’s mostly I/O bound, what with retrieving the .wav files over gigabit Ethernet, and it would be much faster if the source files were on my local volume.)

So, anyway. My next step will, of course, be to make an actual GUI. Because it’s pretty clear that such a thing would be useful.

Also I should probably rename it. It’s caused quite a lot of confusion, and people don’t seem to understand that pyBlamscamp does way more than the original Blamscamp, but isn’t (yet) as user-friendly. It’s also very much diverged at this point.

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Bandcamp United fluffy rambles


So, hey, Bandcamp is a great service that a lot of musicians and fans rely upon for fair distribution and sales of music. It is a really great thing.

Unfortunately, Bandcamp’s owners decided that having a sustainably profitable business wasn’t Enough for them and sold it to Epic Games a year ago, with the idea that it’d become a money-printing factory that does All The Licensing.

And that didn’t pan out, so a week ago Epic re-sold Bandcamp to Songtradr, which is basically an A&R pay-for-play scam with the trappings of respectability. Here’s a video Benn Jordan did on the topic (focusing on a site called Taxi but Songtradr is the same basic thing):

Now Songtradr is blocking the Bandcamp union from actually being, y'know, a union. They aren’t honoring the union terms, have locked workers out of critical systems, are completely ignoring the collective bargaining power of Bandcamp as a company and are doing all sorts of heinous shit.

However! This is not a time to boycott Bandcamp! All that does is make Bandcamp less valuable and gives Songtradr more sway over them, while disproportionately impacting the musicians who rely on it. Please look to see what the union is requesting in terms of support and solidarity. There’s a lot you can do to show your support.

Independent musicians thank you.

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Upcoming choir shows! fluffy rambles


Here are the upcoming shows for the choir I participate in:

  • Fall Talent Show: Saturday, October 21 at 6:00 pm at Rainier Beach Presbyterian (tickets)
  • One More Light: a Trans Day of Remembrance Concert
    • Performance 1: Saturday, November 18 at 3:00 pm at Rainier Beach Presbyterian (tickets)
    • Performance 2: Monday, November 20 at 7:30 pm at Seattle University Pigott Auditorium (tickets)

I hope to see some of you some of there!

Comic progress (or lack thereof) fluffy rambles


I have two major comic series that I’d like to get back to:

  • Unity (no relation to the game engine): a long-form science fiction thing about an interstellar colony ship that’s lost its history, with the initial story being that of one of its scientists who has lost their history
  • Lewi: a young dragon is finding herself caught between the worlds of science and spirituality (and there’s also something much bigger going on in the background)

So, these two series are very dear to my heart and both of them have been on hiatus for a while. I would like them to not be on hiatus.

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Everything feels awful fluffy rambles


Today I went to Bartell’s to pick up a prescription there for the last time. Because Rite-Aid bought them out a while ago, and after making things there worse and worse, they’ve decided to just shut down all the Bartell’s locations that are near Rite-Aids, which is most of them, and I suspect their next plan is to convert whichever ones remain into Rite-Aids as well.

Whenever I walk to a store here I just see all the boarded-up storefronts, half of them from places going out of business, half of them shut down because of crime. Lots of shops have been hit by repeat burglaries, or arson, or who knows what else.

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Anarchist Chinchilla Dream log


I was in a secret relationship with an architect who presented himself in a very Willy Wonka-esque way. He had a great quality of showmanship, and parlayed this into becoming president of the United States of America, with me as his vice president.

Several times I explained to him Willy Wonka’s whole deal, and he kept on pretending to not understand or not see how this applied to him. After explaining specifically Gene Wilder’s take on the character, with the cane and the somersault to tell the audience that he was lying, I came to realize that this one was lying too. I still loved him, but I was suspicious of him.

One evening we were taking a stroll around the White House grounds, when we heard a sound coming from a glass container that we used as a storage facility. I saw a shadowy figure trying to cut small holes in the glass, and the president and I split up to take a look. I managed to subdue the figure; she was an Italian spy, dressed in black and masked. The president ran off for safety while I struggled with her, and when I unmasked her, she turned out to be a chinchilla.

“What were you doing?” I asked the chinchilla.

“I am trying to prevent a president from being the president.”

“Are you trying to murder my husband?!”

“No… back in time. The fifth president. They should not be a thing.”

We had a struggle. I accidentally stepped on one of her paws, causing her to yelp in pain. I felt bad for her, and offered to take her home.

On the way we discussed anarchy, and I admitted that I was only vice president as a point of convenience and distraction, and that I was myself an anarcho-socialist, and I was very interested in her ideas about how to bring down the presidency, and the government as a whole.

For hours we tried to navigate through the Washington DC subway system, and as we talked I became increasingly self-conscious about my vice presidential ID badge hanging around my neck.

Finally we made it to her subway stop, and we agreed to meet up for coffee later.

The average Mastodon user age General Articles


A question keeps on coming up on Mastodon (and the Fediverse in general), namely trying to figure out what the overall age distribution of the userbase is.

However, every single poll that comes about ends up becoming quite contentious in ways that lead to a lot of conflict and drama, primarily due to the nature of how Mastodon polls work. The most common problem is that due to the limited number of options in polls, it is very difficult to make a poll that gives both range and precision. Commonly, the person attempting to run the poll will end up being attacked by people in an age bracket that feel disenfranchised by the specific poll splits, and there’s this… tunnel-vision hyperfocus that a lot of people get into where if they see an “other” or “X or [older|younger]” category, even if there’s a whole thread of polls that dig into splitting up those larger buckets, you get deluged with responses from those who are very angry about the lack of representation.

Attempting to run the poll on a more suitable polling platform (Surveymonkey, Google Forms, Straw Poll, etc.) always ends up with similar concerns, such as worries about privacy or an unwillingness to use the survey platform of choice for whatever technological hill people want to die on. And, again, users who feel put off by this make it their mission to let the perceived offender (and everyone around them) know.

I started out riffing on this with a couple of threads that were not meant to be taken seriously, and which I thought were obvious jokes, but, you know how the Internet can be. Anyway, my third poll (doing it as a median-seeking binary search) was also meant as a joke (which I intended to just be a one-off), but people actually responded to it fairly well. When I posted a followup in which I explained that it was a joke but asked if people wanted me to follow through with it, the overwhelming response was a resounding “yes.”

Clearly there is enough interest in trying to figure out some sort of statistical distribution for the age of Mastodon users (otherwise this wouldn’t keep on happening!), so, #MastoAge was born, for better or worse.

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Bandcamp Friday - September 1, 2023 fluffy rambles


As usual, Bandcamp is waiving their cut of the purchase price on the first Friday of the month. So this is the best time to consider buying my music. Update: Today only, use discount code plaidfriday to get up to 80% off on everything, including my full discography. Because why not.

As a voracious consumer of music, I maintain a running list of things to buy on the next Bandcamp Friday so that I can make the biggest impact on a monthly cadence (and also keep better track of my music spending habits). Here’s what I bought this month:

For more recommendations, check out my Bandcamp profile, or look at my past Bandcamp Friday posts.

Basement 3 + music stuff fluffy rambles


Last night I was having a massive pain flareup so I smoked huge amounts of cannabis. That made me feel somewhat better (if a bit silly) but it also meant I was extremely hung-over today and ended up having to cancel meeting up with Spud for a thing.

But, I got some basement reorganization done and hit a major milestone, and also listened to some great music while doing it.

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Song Fight! Live-ish 2023 fluffy rambles


This year’s Song Fight! Live will be premiering August 26 at 6 PM PDT/9 PM EDT. Please join me and my music friends with the mirth and merriment as we all perform songs while pretending it’s a concert! (And join in the live chat.)

Studio reorg, day 2 fluffy rambles


I took some time off after my first big progress day to regroup, since I was having a bit of soreness and a pain flareup, and also didn’t really know what steps to take next. I did do a little bit in the interim but it wasn’t worth documenting.

Anyway I finally figured out which steps to take next, and I got a lot done today!

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Studio reorg, day 1 fluffy rambles


The air was clear enough™ today (AQI in the upper 80s, which is still no fun for me to be outside but that’s good enough for being in the basement) and I got goaded along by some folks on the Song Fight! discord to “just do it,” so I decided to start the process of reorganizing stuff.

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hashtag NoAI fluffy rambles


In yet another conversation about AI art on Discord, someone mentioned that most sites have the #NoAI hashtag to indicate that something should be off-limits to an AI art bot.

So, I installed a stable diffusion GUI and decided to see what the various AI models would generate for a prompt of just “NoAI.”

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Basement studio reorganization fluffy rambles


I have a lot of project stuff that goes on in my basement. Unfortunately, my basement is extremely cluttered and disorganized, and I kind of hate being down there, which makes it so that I have a hard time actually doing anything creative down there either.

When I moved into my house two and a half years ago, I didn’t really have a plan for how to lay stuff out, and I just put stuff where it made sense as I unpacked it. Which means that there’s no real flow to things, and stuff tends to accumulate in piles, and things are just really badly disorganized.

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Don’t personally guarantee your startup Notes


Quoted: Don’t personally guarantee your startup

Based on their literature, Paintbrush provides a $50,000 loan with a very low-friction application and a fast decision. But the total repayment amount can be as much as $75,000, tied to a personal founder guarantee. That means that if your startup doesn’t work, you as a founder are required to pay that amount back at an amount pegged at 15% of your pre-tax income. For example, if your total income was $150,000, you would pay back $22,500 a year. That amounts to around 22% of what your post-tax takehome pay would be before payments like health insurance and rent.

So basically this is all of the downsides of traditional VC with none of the upsides. Yeesh.

In traditional VC, it’s the investors who are taking the risk of funding the company. This scheme is doing none of that and is instead what amounts to a payday loan.

Lab results fluffy rambles

  • Cholesterol: Within normal range (thanks, Repatha)
  • Triglycerides: Still a little high, but not nearly as bad as they used to be (I’m guessing that them being a bit high means the doctor is still going to lecture me)
  • Blood glucose: 102mg/dL, which is technically a little high because of the law of round numbers, but c'mon
  • A1C: 6.0, which is right in the middle of the “pre-diabetic” range, which means I’m going to get a lecture about that too
  • MCH: 25.6pg, indicating I might be slightly anemic

Anyway it’s pretty clear that my home glucosimeter needs to be recalibrated or replaced.

Update: Doctor’s office left a voicemail which was surprisingly lecture-free. They just told me the same thing I wrote above and said there wasn’t really any change to make for now.

The joys of being alive fluffy rambles


So, yesterday I had my 6-month followup with the cardiologist regarding the heart-related stuff and got the usual litany of obnoxious hand-wringing around my labs (evne though they were now very out-of-date) and yet another lecture about lipids and triglycerides, which, yes, this is why I am seeing you. Meh.

Anyway, the upshot of this is that he did order new labs for me (which I have no issue with, of course, just with how he talked about ordering them), and this morning I figured I’d go get them done. And before doing them I figured I’d use my OTC blood glucose meter to get an idea of what to expect with the blood sugar results.

It came back with 296 mg/dL.

That is… high.

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Driving anxiety and music for 8/10 fluffy rambles


I’m still having some pretty bad anxiety while driving, but the choir has started up rehearsals again which gives me a reason to drive at least once a week. Last night I felt anxious on my way there but totally fine on the way back.

Anyway, today I finally made my way out to the Renton Uwajimaya, which I’d been wanting to go to for a while, mostly as a driving acclimation thing but also to get some ingredients that I haven’t found at any of the Asian groceries in White Center. Most of the drive, as it turns out, is the same as the drive to the church the choir’s rehearsals are at, which makes sense since Renton is just a bit further down Rainier Ave. And I was anxious but I made it just fine, and on my drive back I was anxious in a few spots but I made it just fine.

I think if I keep doing this stuff I’ll feel fine faster.

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Random stuff done today fluffy rambles


I got stuff done today! For example:

Oh yeah also I’m getting fairly active on Cohost and my asks are open. It’s fun. Way nicer than Tumblr, anyway.

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Publ’s insurmountable technical debt fluffy rambles


Back when Publ was brand-new I was using a fairly common ORM for managing my database. It was okay but I had some issues with how the project was being run, particularly in how the core maintainer treated bug reporters who were reporting things that he didn’t personally agree with.

So I switched to Pony ORM, which has a much nicer, more-Pythonic API, and whose maintainers are friendly and helpful. It’s missing a few important functions such as migrations but for Publ it doesn’t matter so much and they were always claiming that migrations were coming “real soon now” for a while.

Unfortunately, some changes in Python 3.11 broke Pony completely, and progress on getting it working again has been, well, slow.

Back when I switched to Pony I mused about just dropping SQL entirely and moving to a more primitive indexed data store, such as lmdb. But I really do not have it in me to completely redo all that stuff in Publ again, especially with all of the weird regressions that always occur due to subtle differences in locking behavior and so on.

Sometimes I think how now that I actually know how Publ should work I should rewrite it with better testability and a more actively-developed Markdown processor (because misaka has also been abandoned and is in permafreeze status), and if I’m going to do that, maybe I should use it as an excuse to finally learn Rust because honestly the Python ecosystem is kind of a mess right now.

I’ve put so much work into Publ but keeping the project going just feels so… difficult.

Or I mean I could switch to any number of existing site generators out there but then I’d be giving up all of the things that makes Publ unique (friends-only/access-controlled entries, variadic templates, top-notch template-driven image renditions, etc.).

This is one of those things where the decision would be a lot easier to make if people were actually helping to fund Publ development or if it had any actual, y'know, users.

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Music finds for August 4 fluffy rambles


Getting back on my “listen to music to calm my shitty brain” thing, because it was helping and then I started to forget to do it again.

I might add more as the day goes on.

Bandcamp Friday: August 4 fluffy rambles


Hey it’s Bandcamp Friday! This means today’s a good day to buy music on Bandcamp. (Such as mine.)

Here’s what I’ve bought this month:

Become critter! Critter!



These are the documentation files for my critter avatar. While some of the information in here may be of general interest, it is really intended as reference material for those who have purchased the avatar. As such, if you find any of this information helpful, please consider buying it.

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VRChat avatar creator resources VRChat Stuff


Here are some of my collected notes on things that I’ve found helpful when it comes to building avatars for VRChat.

The intention is that this will be a living document that I add to as I learn more. This document is also currently a complete mess and will probably be split up into separate things at some point.

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July 19 musiclog fluffy rambles


Stuff that grabbed me today yesterday:

  • The ancient Song Fight! title “Indie Rock Bottom” still has some great songs on it. Mouth Reliant, prayformojo, and Narboutique stood out in particular.
  • Back in the day I was really into The Verve Pipe, not to be confused with The Verve. I always found it disappointing that the only song of theirs which got any real radio play was The Freshmen, which I didn’t care for (and is one of the few songs I’d always remove from my MP3 collection after reripping the CD over the years).

    Anyway, a while back I found and downloaded a bunch of their live recordings, such as The Back Room @ Colectivo Coffee on 2017-11-25, which is an absolutely amazing performance of a bunch of their songs reimagined from angsty grunge/alt-rock to bittersweet country/folk, which was not a transformation I was expecting but holy cow does it work.

    And they actually managed to make me like The Freshmen. Dang.

  • Anyway me posting about The Verve Pipe on Mastodon led to someone pointing out an ironic ska cover of The Freshmen which you can hear over on YouTube and it’s uh. A thing. I don’t think I’ll be listening to it again, but hey, it exists.

Oh well, a well fluffy rambles


I feel like I’m trapped in a gravity well and am having difficulty motivating myself to do anything at all. I’ve been sleeping way too much, and it isn’t actually helping with anything. I have a severe case of anhedonia when it comes to actually doing things I care about. I’m pretty much just hanging out at home with my cats and occasionally getting on VRChat and plinking away at the same trivial things I usually do, and I’m having trouble keeping up with my chores or my gardening. I’m barely getting out of the house except to go grocery shopping.

It sucks and I hate it.

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Music posting for July 15 fluffy rambles


I didn’t listen to much music over the last few days for a variety of reasons (and didn’t accumulate enough notes that felt worth posting) but today I am happy to report that I’m back on my shit. Not that the actual date/order of listening matters but as always you can corroborate the times on my profile if you really want.


  • “General Ed’s Naked Circus” by Helter Skipper and the Gilligan Mansons. It isn’t a particularly great album but it’s fun and I have it because I used to be friends with one of the members of the band, who I vibed with pretty well. Hearing the album again made me realize I hadn’t talked with him in ages, and I decided to track him down. I just hit a bunch of dead ends. If anyone happens to know what happened to a squirrel named “Fractal” from FurryMUCK, please let me know. I remember us sharing regrets that we never got together the first time that I lived in Seattle, and since then I’ve moved back to Seattle and I’ve been here for over a decade this time around and, oops, I really should have reconnected at some point.

    I did find a SoundCloud playlist from one of the members which lists the other members. I’m not sure which one is the real-life name of my online friend, although there’s two likely candidates. Unfortunately I can’t find current contact information for either of them (just a bunch of dead Facebook pages). Although the more likely of the two seems to still be active there. I should reach out.

  • I don’t listen to Song Fight! as much as I should but this fight came up in my playlist and while most of the entries were pretty darn good, these entries stood out in particular:

    I mean there’s a bunch of consistently-great musicians who submitted for that one and the fight as a whole was pretty great! I’d have had a hard time narrowing down my votes on it if I’d actually listened at the time. But these entries were from folks I’m not so familiar with and they surprised me for various reasons.

  • The album Here Be Dragons by Blue Nagoon wasn’t in my playlist but it was in a long-open browser tab (based on a recommendation from the person who runs Radio Free Fedi). I finally decided to consume it and, yeah, it’s pretty great! I’ve added the album to my Bandcamp Friday purchase queue.

  • One of the first punk bands I got really into was Arrogant Sons of Bitches, when they were touring and happened to play a show in my town the same night a friend decided she needed to get me out of the house. Years later, the core members founded a new band, Bomb the Music Industry!, and when I learned about this I got all of their albums.

    Anyway, one of them finally came up in the playlist, and it was well worth the wait (and the download). It has all the same old ASOB energy while also being a nice scathing criticism of the modern music industry (especially performative counterculture) and also bringing in a variety of acoustic elements like synths that I don’t recall ASOB ever using.

    There’s also a great self-aware line in the second track, “I’ve been writing the same song […] over and over and over again,” in a song which sounds… pretty much exactly like half of the ASOB songs, frankly. It works.

  • Alternative Facts by KXNG Crooked is a great missive on the political landscape of 2017, which still applies today. Somehow this track doesn’t seem to be on their Bandcamp as far as I can tell. Looks like it was actually released by a major label? Good for them.

  • Tes Lacets sont des Fees by Dionysos is a fun little ditty. I don’t understand a word of it.

  • “The Legend” by 5-3 Federation is a classic that is kinda uh. Maybe problematic? Also I think this was one of Lowtax’s musical projects? I’m finding no information about it. I am pretty sure I got it from Something Awful’s front page back in the day, but if there is a link between Lowtax and this track, literally nobody on the Internet has made that connection so it probably isn’t him.

  • Vektroid is always great. I think this is the first time I heard Telnet Erotika, which apparently has been expanded and rereleased as Telnet Complete. Do I need to update my collection? Looks like yes. Another (potentially expensive) addition to the Bandcamp Friday queue. Man, I’m starting to see why people just subscribe to Spotify or Apple Music these days.

  • Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds has a track called “The History of French Cuisine” which also doesn’t seem to be on bandcamp but it’s a great Frank Zappa-esque jammy thing.

  • Whale Legs by Guts Club, from the Moderate Fildelity microlabel

Okay I think that’s enough for right now. Having a mental health shit at the moment

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Music rediscoveries for July 12 fluffy rambles


I got a late start on listening to music today since this morning I was having some stomach issues and didn’t want the extra sensory input, and then I had to take Tyler to the vet for his annual wellness exam and butthole grooming.

But after I got home from that I started listening to music again. Here’s things that are tickled my ears today:

  • Ouch Those Monkeys was a really weird musician who posted a lot of music to somesongs back in the day, and then disappeared just as suddenly. I collected most of his(?) music at the time. I wish there were more information about him. As far as I can tell it’s completely disappeared from the Internet.
  • Magic Arm - Move Out is great. No idea how I ended up with it. Anyway I bought way too much music yesterday so this band is going into my Bandcamp Friday queue.
  • Wow I have a lot of crap in my library. The downside to being a packrat.
  • Also I’m not sure how to feel about songs that make use of the N-word (as a reclaimed thing, sung/spoken by Black artists). Part of me is like “this music isn’t for me and I shouldn’t listen to it” but another part of me is like “why is this particular racial barrier a line I draw and not others?” I of course would never sing along to it, but I also don’t generally sing along to music in the first place. I’m definitely a lot quicker to skip songs based on the use of that word and I think that deserves some introspection.
  • So that said, Die Later is a pretty good jam.
  • Okay I probably should draw the line at white rappers using the N-word though.
  • The only Gorillaz albums I have are “Gorillaz” and “Plastic Beach.” I should complete my collection. I definitely don’t want to fall down the Deep Lore rabbit hole though.
  • Jeremy Blake’s Heartsing is pretty great and it’s also surprising that my deep-dive listening pulled up something so recently-released. I guess that’s just how probability works.
  • Artemis' Gravity is just plain amazing. It gives me pretty strong Portishead mixed with Imogen Heap vibes.
  • A couple of good Remixfight songs came up. I miss Remixfight. It was a short-lived spinoff of Song Fight!, where folks would all do a different remix of the same song that week. Most of the folks who were active there eventually moved over to ccMixter but I never really found that the ccMixter remix output was even remotely as high-quality, for a number of reasons. Unfortunately I can’t figure out the actual artist behind this song, or the original song, and neither thing is findable online, and remixfight is long gone, and the archive of it is weirdly broken in ways I’ve never seen happen on, but it seems to be entitled “Blue Ocean” originally by Colin Mutchler. The specific remix I liked was by Milo; for some reason the tags on the fight were also messed up so I only heard that one in isolation, whee. But anyway uh. Remixfight was great.
  • Brain Fog by Nicky Flowers is also pretty great. It also has a video as it turns out.

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Music as a salve fluffy rambles


I used to be a voracious consumer of music. I would listen to as much music as I could, in as many different genres, from as many different bands, as I could handle, for nearly every waking moment of every day. My music collection has over 53,000 songs with a total duration of over 130 days. My choices in listening devices and methodologies have always been informed by how I can enable myself to listen to as much variety as I could, without needing to actually choose what to listen to at any given time.

Music also helped me to focus what I was working on, and was possibly a big part of my self-medication regime for my ADHD and executive dysfunction. Having music playing made it so much easier for me to focus on what I was doing.

I also developed a peculiar habit: every time I came across a song I really liked, I’d buy the entire discography of the artist as a “surprise gift for my future self.” It’s a big part of why my music library is so big, and it’s given me a lot of delight from always having something new to listen to.

But yet, over the last few years I have barely listened to any music at all, aside from the stuff I’ve been working on myself. Most of my day has been full of silence, pretty much only listening to music when I drive — and I hardly ever drive. And the silence has been overwhelming, maddening, and is possibly a big part of why my brain’s been in vice grips as of late.

How did this happen?

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Electric vehicle charging and carbon offsets fluffy rambles


One of the reasons that people buy an electric vehicle is to reduce their carbon footprint. Even if you live in an area where electricity is primarily generated by fossil fuel, the amount of emissions that come from generating electricity to power a vehicle is much lower than the equivalent emissions than you get from an internal combustion engine, due to things like carbon capture and the overall economy of scale that comes with power generation. And, of course, many areas are moving away from fossil fuels for power generation to begin with; electricity is fungible and with the increase in renewable sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric, electric vehicles' overall environmental footprint will improve along with the electrical grid.

So, of course, one of the more maddening trends in environmental policy of late is the purchasing of “carbon offsets” or “carbon credits,” where polluters spend money on things that will supposedly make up for their pollution. Many of these offsets are a total scam, where the offset is just buying into not making the environment worse (for example, by not bulldozing a forest that was already protected to begin with).

The intersection of these two things is that many of the electric vehicle companies (both manufacturers and charging networks) are selling carbon offsets — against the very same customers who are paying good money to do their part to reduce emissions in the first place. This negates the environmental benefit of electric vehicles, and most EV owners would probably like to know which companies are double-dipping in this way.

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Hello humankindness fluffy rambles


I’m still recombobulating my brain after the last few days of oxygen deprivation and extreme fatigue. Today was especially difficult for me. And a thing that really bothers me about it is that CHI Franciscan/Virginia Mason has posters everywhere proclaiming their philosophy of “humankindness.”

I don’t feel like “humankindness” was on display when they kept on shuffling me around between waiting rooms and when they were dismissive about every issue I was having. Or when they were trying to just blame it all on my asthma and ignore the acute, severe respiratory distress I was in. And I was having difficulty speaking because of the severe pain in my throat and lungs and the constant need to cough which I couldn’t do, and that just made people get frustrated at me for not speaking loudly or clearly.

And when they did finally give me a COVID test, after hours of waiting, and they just unceremoniously shoved it up my nose and got angry at me when I had discomfort from this, and at that point I had an emotional breakdown and just started crying, and there was absolutely no sympathy or comfort shown to me.

I was treated like a burden, not like a patient or a human being.

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Ah, yes, sick again fluffy rambles


A couple weeks ago I traveled to Albuquerque to visit my family, and now I’m sick with some fun respiratory gunk. It may or may not be COVID (again). Hard to tell at this point. So far it’s at least not as bad as when I got it a year ago. But I’d still rather not be having it at all, y'know?

Anyway I think air travel is Bad, Actually.

Annoyingly this got in the way of all of my pride plans; I was meant to perform with the choir at Trans Pride Seattle last night, and today I was going to go to brunch with friends, and even if I didn’t feel like complete ass I also wouldn’t want to spread this crud to anyone else.

Come to think of it, I can’t recall any time in recent history that I traveled by airplane and didn’t end up getting sick shortly after. Like, even pre-COVID, it was pretty much a given that any time I traveled for work or whatever I’d end up with some awful crud.

I guess in more positive health news, there’s some promising research into new fibromyalgia meds, and also some pretty interesting advances in understanding what fibromyalgia even is and what treatments might help with the underlying issues. So that’s hopeful, at least. Solving fibro pain wouldn’t fix all of my problems but it’d at least make it easier for me to do the things I want to be doing.

A conversation about pronouns Dream log


“So, hey, I have a friend with what I think is a pretty… unique situation. You’re pretty savvy with this pronoun stuff, right?”

“Hm, I try to be, anyway.”

“Okay, so, this friend was born male—”

“Assigned male at birth.”

“… Right. Anyway. Assigned male at birth, totally identifies as male, one hundred percent happy being male. Wears men’s clothes, uses the extremely masculine name given to them, is completely secure in her masculinity, completely normal cis man.”

“Wait, so uh… okay, ‘normal’ is loaded, but… ‘Her?’”

“Yeah, that’s the thing. She prefers to be referred to with she/her pronouns.”

“… Huh. Is there any particular… reason for that?”

“Not as far as I can tell! I’ve asked her about it and she said that she just… likes it.”

“But… …she… doesn’t identify as a woman at all?

“Nope. And I thought that maybe she is trying to, like, normalize the idea that language is a social construct or something, or push against the idea that ‘he’ is the gender-neutral pronoun, but nope. She just likes the sound of it.”

“And you’re sure she isn’t, like, trans or anything?”

“I mean, I asked her if she feels bad being called he/him, and no, she doesn’t seem to experience dysphoria around her gender or around being called he/him. She just.. prefers she/her.”

“Huh, okay. Well, I mean, anyone can choose to have whatever pronouns they want, and we should all respect that, no matter what the underlying reason is…”

“That’s just the thing, everyone around her does respect it. Even if they’re awful about misgendering actual trans women, for some reason they’re 100% on board with using she/her pronouns for this… well, totally nor— … um, extremely cis man.”

“Aside from the pronouns.”

“Yes, aside from the pronouns.”

“Huh. Well, um… this is an interesting situation, I think, but it probably shouldn’t be interesting. It’s kind of refreshing to hear about? I mean, sort of. I wish people would respect my pronouns that easily, but…”

“Yeah, it’s like the dog thing.”

“Dog thing?”

“Y'know, how people trip over themselves to make sure that they’re using the correct pronouns for a dog? That doesn’t even know what pronouns are and doesn’t give the tiniest shit about them? While still misgendering trans people because it’s ‘so hard?’”

“Ah, yeah, that. Well. Okay. So what’s the problem your friend is having?”

“Oh, she isn’t having a problem at all. I’m just wondering, do you know what this situation would be called?”

“Sounds like she’s a… she-male?”


“Yeah, I only realized what I was saying as it was leaving my mouth.”

STANCE was a huge success fluffy rambles


Oh man I am so overjoyed with how our choir shows went! Holy fuck, joining this choir was probably the best decision I’ve made in a long time. Every show we’ve done has been wonderful and the people are so great and I love spending time with everyone. It’s great being surrounded by fellow ADHD transgender/nonbinary weirdos who all have music in common but so many disparate experiences and ideas and just like, oh god so much talent from everyone.

We’re between seasons now and it’ll feel weird not having rehearsals every Wednesday evening for the next couple months, but there’s a lot of talk about doing plenty of social gatherings in the interim and I’m very much looking forward to that.

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“In this new era of AI” fluffy rambles


There’s been a lot of discussion about a puff piece by Marc Andreessen (formerly of Netscape fame, now of being-yet-another-also-ran-tech-billionaire-who-is-into-the-self-aggrandizing-fad-of-the-moment fame) talking about how AI will save the world.

I am not going to link to it (it’s easy enough to find anyway) but I just bothered to read it and oh my god the privilege and blinders are so obvious.

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The new Apple AR goggles fluffy rambles


My impressions on the hardware, for what it’s worth:

  • Really cool tech
  • Kind of a solution in search of a problem
  • I look forward to seeing what people do with it
  • I look forward to it becoming affordable and usable for a lot more than just running fancy versions of iOS apps
  • I will be way more interested if they let you apply filters to the external screen; why show a video feed of your boring human eyes when you can be your fursona or a protogen?

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An undirected ramble about Furality Sylva fluffy rambles


This past weekend was Furality, which was a pretty darn good time in general. I found it pretty enjoyable and I’ll definitely be doing it again. I figure I’ll share some random undirected thoughts about it.

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💬 Re: Internal blogging tools Notes


In reply to: Re: Internal blogging tools

Ben Werdmuller posed a question:

If your company gives its employees a space to blog or journal internally, what platform do you use? What do you think of it?

eg: Confluence has blogs; at Medium they have a whole internal version of the site called Hatch; etc.

Back in the day, Amazon had an internal Movable Type site for internal blogging purposes, although it went mostly unused. When I returned for a couple years in 2012 it was still there although even more completely unused. I posted a couple more entries on it that nobody saw as far as I know.

Nowhere else I’ve worked has had formalized internal blogging (although a couple places had public blogging platforms that were mostly used by marketing folks), although a lot of people certainly would treat Slack as their personal blog.

An open letter to the Washington State Employment Security Department fluffy rambles


Back in June of 2022 I was let go from a job in a way where I was eligible for unemployment benefits. I immediately filed an unemployment claim, but the response that it was “pending adjudication” due to a wrinkle in how I was let go. I was told that I needed to continue to submit claims weekly if I was to receive any benefits.

However, I was unable to submit those claims. The website would not allow me to submit a claim because it was “pending adjudication,” and all contacts to the ESD resulted in a message that I should call a phone number. I called that number, and I’d be put on hold for two hours, told that nobody was available to help me, and that I should use the website for my unemployment claims needs.

One week ago the adjudication finally found in my favor, but at this point my benefit period has almost ended and I will still be unable to receive my unemployment benefits. And I am told that I should have been submitting my claims every week during this whole period — which I was unable to do, for the reasons stated.

How is any of this fair? This is a frustrating bureaucratic nightmare that needs to be completely overhauled. Sometimes it feels like the cruelty is the point, and that this system is not in place to benefit the people who need it.

Thank you for your consideration.

(Also sent to my state representatives Emily Alvarado and Joe Fitzgibbon, and senator Joe Nguyen.)

Cross-platform material switching VRChat Stuff


A commonly-desired feature for a VRChat avatar is the ability to switch materials, so as to change color schemes and the like. This requires a nontrivial amount of setup, and with the standard approach it is difficult to maintain cross-platform compatibility. As a result, creators will usually only set it up on PC, leaving Quest users unable to see these customizations.

Here is my approach to setting up material switching in a way that’s easier to support on multiple platforms simultaneously. This particular method is what I developed for my critter avatar.

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This moment isn’t about decentralization Notes


Quoted: This moment isn’t about decentralization

The core need being expressed by millions of users isn’t “get me a decentralized protocol that nobody owns where I can have my choice of algorithms and apps”. It’s “get me a platform that works consistently, with less abuse”. Sometimes it’s also appended with, “where I can build a following for me / my brand / my employer and measure my progress.”


Many of us have been wanting decentralized social networking for a long time — I’ve been a part of these conversations for around twenty years. It’s tempting to feel like people finally get it. But that’s a trap and a mistake. As always, quite rightly, most people want something that works for them.

Reminder that Usenet has been around since the 80s and was a toxic hellhole even then. Decentralization isn’t the answer to social media problems, it’s just an implementation detail.

Or, as I keep on saying: The problem with Twitter isn’t that it’s centralized, but that it’s Twitter.

The cycle fluffy rambles


For the last few months I’ve been feeling restless to be doing not-much throughout the day, so I’ve been actively looking for a job. No bites have been occurring. So instead I’ve been working hard on new projects, like the VRChat avatar stuff and also redesigning my website (which I’m close to being able to roll out, incidentally).

But then it turns out that doing work makes my chronic pain flare up again, and now I’m in agony again.

So, I guess I need to find something that makes me feel satisfied with my day (and ideally brings in some amount of income) without being something that my body just absolutely rejects. But what could that possibly be? The stuff I’m good at and the stuff I enjoy doing is stuff that physically hurts to do.

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Become critter! fluffy rambles


So whatever happened to my VRChat avatar project?

Well, it went really well, so well that I decided to make it a purchasable base model. You can get it for as low as $25 (with a suggested minimum of $30). It also comes with extensive documentation about how to add more materials and I feel like my setup for material swapping is really well-designed and makes things much easier than I’ve seen on other avatars. So it’s probably worth buying just for that alone!

At some point I’ll probably start putting some VRChat documentation onto this site (including the material-swap guide and an explanation of how I set my system up since it’s pretty easy to apply to other avatars and makes life much, much easier). But I kind of want to do some site layout refreshing first. And I need to figure out which section of the site is best suited for it. So, quick poll, what makes the most sense?

Texturing guide Critter!


So you’ve adopted and/or become a critter and want to fulfill the obligation of being as many colors and patterns and materials as you can imagine. You have made an excellent choice! Here is how I do that stuff, myself. There might be better ways of doing it (there’s definitely a lot of things which feel like they could be automated, at the very least). If you find any improvements to this semi-annoying process, please let me know!

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Monitoring my feed reader fluffy rambles


Every time I get hyperfixated on a thing, I end up doing it at the expense of all else. Right now my hyperfocus is on working on making a sellable version of my VRChat avatar (which is almost ready!)

But I needed a break, so I checked my feed reader, and realized, oh wow, I haven’t checked my feed reader in a few days. Oops.

So anyway, I did what any good nerd would do, and gave myself some alerting and monitoring to track my feed stats.

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Even more VRChat tips and tricks fluffy rambles


I’ve been completely redoing my avatar from scratch and this time around it’s turned out great!

Anyway now that I’ve learned more about Blender and VRChat in general I have a bunch more stuff to share since last time. (And some of this will apply to Unity in general too! Sort of, anyway.)

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Bandcamp Friday, May 2023 fluffy rambles


For the next 23.5 hours, Bandcamp is waiving their cut of music purchases made on their platform, which makes it an amazing time to buy independent music there.

As always, I have plenty of stuff you can get there (including a recently-released 80-minute meditation album and an hour-long musical journey inspired by a variety of coffee grinders), and you can get a pretty decent discount on my music if you just buy it all at once as a discography.

I also like to keep a checklist of albums to buy on this day, and this month the two albums I bought are a recent release by my friend Sam and the discography of ratwyfe mostly because I heard someone do a cover of his song cryptid and I knew right away that I’d totally dig all of his music.

Anyway. Support independent musicians, both by buying the music that you like, but also spreading the word of mouth of the music that you like, too. You might not think you have much of a voice but every little bit helps way more than you think; every flood begins with a handful of raindrops.

More rambling about electric vehicles fluffy rambles


I don’t know why my brain keeps on fixating on EVs. I already have my Leaf SL, and I’m really happy with it all in all. I try to be excited about future tech and this usually manifests in me starting to think about what car I’d buy next, which then starts to feel like me planning to buy another car, even though I really don’t need to.

Anyway, a lot of my thoughts about the current cars worth mention have changed since that last article, and here’s my current thoughts on things.

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Prognosis fluffy rambles


So it turns out I didn’t have anything to worrry about. The angiogram showed no blockage whatsoever and hopefully this means I’ll stop having heart-concern panic attacks. No angioplasty, no stent, etc.

The most annoying thing right now is I’m not allowed to use my right hand until Sunday, and also cannot shower until then, since that could potentially cause a hematoma or arterial rupture in my right wrist artery (which is where they inserted the probe). So I’ll be stinky tomorrow, and also I can’t do any of my fun activities. At least I have a lot of prepared foods available.

The whole experience wasn’t too bad. The entire team felt supportive and friendly, and we joked around a lot during the whole thing. During the procedure I was given a small dose of midazolam, which helped me to relax, but wasn’t enough to get an amnesiac effect, so I remember the whole thing. The only really painful bit was at the very end when my forearm started to spasm while the probe was still inserted.

Also I asked for souvenir pictures but I think they thought I was joking. Maybe I’ll get them on MyChart? I dunno. It’ll go nicely next to my esophogeal endoscopy photo from when I was having stomach problems a decade ago.

They seemed to be really surprised that I understood most of the medical terminology and that they didn’t need to coddle me or the like. One of the consent forms asked me to write, in my own words, what I thought was going to happen and I wrote “angiogram w/ potential angioplasty” and this was really surprising to them.

Anyway afterwards I got hospital food for lunch. I ordered the salmon. It was pretty okay. Hard to eat one-handed though.

Anxiety, yesterday and tomorrow fluffy rambles


Last night I had to drive to choir practice myself, and I had a panic attack on the way. I managed to push through it and felt fine when I got there. So of course I had another panic attack on the way home, because my brain decided that no, proof of being able to drive safely is NOT enough anymore to sustain a lack of anxiety when driving.

Tomorrow I am going in for an angiogram and potential angioplasty (depending on what it turns up). The procedure itself is pretty straightforward and primarily preventative; non-invasive imaging was inconclusive as to how much arterial blockage I have (if any), and I seem to have an arterial abnormality that makes imaging difficult. So it is out of an abundance of caution that I am getting the angiogram, and if any blockage is found it will be mitigated, and perhaps a stent will be installed as well (although my dad also has an arterial abnormality which made a stent installation impossible for him when he went through a similar thing, in a much more emergent situation).

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My least favorite question in all of tech recruiting fluffy rambles


“Are you frontend, backend, or full-stack?”

I really hate this question, for so many reasons.

First of all, it presupposes that there’s only two sorts of things that are done in software anymore: either you’re making websites (frontend) or services called by them (backend), or you’re someone who does both, but still using the frontend/backend dichotomy.

There are so many other kinds of software out there. Not all the world is Building Websites. Just off the top of my head there’s the extremely broad categories of graphics, platform, audio, gameplay, automation, embedded, infrastructure, distributed systems, and so much more.

Even in today’s dystopian push towards blockchain and machine learning, what kinds of engineer works on the underlying systems there? It’s neither backend nor frontend.

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💬 Re: TicketAuth support Notes


In reply to: jamesg on TicketAuth support

Yes, Publ supports TicketAuth for authenticated feed subscriptions. At least in theory. It passes manual testing and I think a couple of folks have implemented test consumers that have been verified to work with it, but I don’t know of anyone who actively follows my blog with a TicketAuth-enabled feed reader.

My feeling with how Microsub would interact with TicketAuth is that the ticket endpoint would be responsible for relaying the bearer token along to the Microsub implementation, perhaps via some sort of credential store, or maybe that the token store would be expressed by the Microsub endpoint. I haven’t super thought it through, mostly because there’s a couple of reasons I’m not a fan of Microsub and if I ever get around to implementing the reader I want to implement I was planning on it just being a fully self-contained application that you happen to sign into using IndieAuth (it could support Microsub as a data store for other reader clients but it’d be intended to be used as its own client as the primary interaction model).

Or I guess another way of looking at it is that the reader I want to build would be a reader UI, Microsub endpoint, and TicketAuth endpoint all in one single integrated implementation, just because it feels easier in terms of how I want stuff to work.

The big security concern with TicketAuth (or any authenticated feed mechanism other than private/individual feed URLs, which has its own set of problems to contend with) is that as soon as anyone has any credentials for a feed that multiple people are subscribed to, you need to make damned sure that you’re retrieving/parsing/storing the feed separately for each credential. It’s for that reason that I haven’t just hacked TicketAuth into Feed-On-Feeds, because its fundamental design would make this rather inconvenient.

Goodbye, Twitter third-party login fluffy rambles


So, a little while ago I did an extremely unscientific poll on login methods via Authl on this website. The results of that (measured by folks who accessed my site for any authenticated reason, not just folks visiting the login method poll):

  • 8 signed in via Fediverse (Mastodon/Pleroma/etc.)
  • 4 signed in via IndieAuth
  • 7 signed in via email

Not a single one signed in via Twitter.

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💬 Re: Private Comments, or Why I’m Down On Webmentions Notes


In reply to: Haven Blog: Private Comments, or Why I’m Down On Webmentions

This article raises some good points, but there’s another reason I’m not all-in on Webmention: comments on private posts.

Post privacy is incredibly important to me, and supporting webmention on a privacy-post context requires that the comment (and notification thereof) be visible to the receiver’s endpoint, without it being visible to the world at large. This is okay with “unguessable” private URLs, but if you are doing a login-requred thing you start running into issues where you have to either let endpoints through to see the data (which means that any bad actor could also do the same), or you need the endpoints to support the authentication protocols (via e.g. AutoAuth or TicketAuth), and given how difficult those have been to get any meaningful adoption, I’m not terribly optimistic about that changing any time soon, especially with how many people farm their webmentions out to which isn’t really in the business of managing things like authentication tokens.

But also, if you live in a world of webmentions for replies, that also greatly increases the chances that someone’s reply will be accidentally posted in public. I already see enough issues where friends will reply to my unauthenticated “stub” entries on Mastodon, rather than posting native comments onto my blog.

The more I get annoyed with Internet comment mechanisms, the more I think that email really is the way.

🔄 Reading blogs - anywhere but Feedly Notes


Reposted: Reading blogs - anywhere but Feedly

I removed Feedly from my Get Blogging resource for people who want to read and write blogs.

If you’d like to read blogs, there are some great other feed readers recommended in the list. I start every morning with Reeder and NewsBlur.

Molly White has written a great summary of why I can’t endorse Feedly anymore:

In a world of widespread, suspicionless surveillance of protests by law enforcement and other government entities, and of massive corporate union-busting and suppression of worker organizing, Feedly decided they should build a tool for the corporations, cops, and unionbusters.

I cannot support union-busting in any form, and it’s very disappointing to see a tool like Feedly attempt to capitalize on corporations who would like to engage in this activity. So it’s gone from the list, and I’d like to suggest: while they offer this product and cater to this market, please don’t use Feedly.

Personally I’m still a fan of self-hosting Feed on Feeds, which is pretty straightforward to do if you have even basic PHP webhosting. It isn’t the fanciest thing but it’s reliable and won’t sell your data to others, and it’s got the exact UX I want in a reader app (YMMV of course).

So long, Twitter API, and thanks for all the fish fluffy rambles


Quoted: So long, Twitter API, and thanks for all the fish

Ryan writes:

Right now, Bridgy uses a free tier of Twitter’s API, equivalent to what many other major social networks offer. By April 29th, this free tier will disappear. If I want to read tweets, my options will be a $100/mo plan with a quota of 10k tweets/mo, roughly .1% of what Bridgy currently uses, or an enterprise plan with unknown quota that reportedly starts at $42k/mo.

It isn’t clear whether the new tiers also apply to the SSO API (it seems that posting to Twitter is still available in the free tier which implies that SSO will still function). But needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), if this breaks SSO, I am not going to pay money to fix it on my sites.

I’d highly recommend to folks who are still using Twitter to log in to this site or to Novembeat to find an alternate identity provider, such as a Mastodon instance or running an IndieAuth provider on your own heckin' website.

(Someday I’ll get around to adding OpenID to Authl so people can also use things like Livejournal, Dreamwidth, or Ubuntu Launchpad to sign in, but I’ve been lazy.)

EDIT: Looks like SSO is remaining free, per the announcement. Still, y'all should move away from Twitter just on general principle.

Upcoming talent show! fluffy rambles


Hey friends, I forget if I’ve mentioned it here but on Friday my choir is having a talent show and a silent auction! If you’re in Seattle it’d be great if you could attend in person, and we’ll also be streaming the show on YouTube and you can get a ticket for access to that stream as well. And the silent auction has a lot of amazing goods and services available and will be run online.

Please consider getting a ticket to the show (or making a donation to the choir) and registering for the silent auction.

Panic attacks fluffy rambles


I used to get bad panic attacks while driving, and the trigger and underlying cause was pretty obvious. But they faded over time and I felt that I was panic-free for a few years.

Until fucking TWO WEEKS AGO when I had a small one while carpooling to choir practice, and then a big fucking one the next week when driving to the doctor’s office for routine lab work! And now I don’t feel safe driving at all! And I have to do a lot of driving this week! WHAT AMAZING TIMING!

Does anyone have any good quick fixes for driving panic? I honestly do not know if I did anything to help it go away or if it just faded on its own. I suspect the actual common thread behind them is Fear Of Mortality and I’ve had plenty of things driving that fear lately, and like, okay it’s great that my brain is in full-on self-preservation mode but maybe causing me to nearly pass out and lose control of a two thousand pound machine wrapped around a 50kWh lithium battery isn’t the best way to go about that?

I mean okay, fair, you’re preventing me from entering the machine in the first place, so, good job

Super burnout fluffy rambles


So, yesterday I had a major panic attack while driving, for the first time in several years, and the worst one I’d had in over a decade. So, that was fun.

Right now I’m in this weird split mindset, where on the one hand I feel like I need a day job to be motivated, but on the other hand, every time I find out about a job that I’d be qualified for, I have no interest whatsoever in doing it, like at all.

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Full-text search on fluffy rambles


I finally got around to enabling search, as an experimental feature. Publ’s full-text search functionality is kinda janky right now and I really want to rework it. But people were asking, so here you go.

Also god damn my templates are getting hard to maintain.

There’s also so much stuff I really want to rewite in Publ, while I’m feeling grumpy.

EDIT: Oh right, also what started me down this path was also fixing Authl’s login flow for email links on email providers which generate link previews, e.g. Outlook and Hotmail. So I mean folks who were getting “invalid token” errors while signing in by email should have a better time now.

Transformative Meditations fluffy rambles


I decided to start an experimental meditation podcast after thinking about the concept for the past few weeks. I have a few episodes planned already and am working on a topic/prompt generator that will hopefully give me unlimited possibilities for where to take it. It’s still an experiment, though.

Hopefully it’s something I can keep going, because I love the idea, at least.

Hopefully I can also get it listed on the various podcast directories and apps. Right now the big one that’s missing is Apple, because their podcast directory account signup thing is broken EDIT: it’s working now, and I’m just waiting for them to process the submission, yay EDIT2: it’s available on Apple now. But it should already be on Amazon/Audible, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Stitcher, and I can see about adding it to other directories if people want them.

Also, eventually the public podcast will be monetized, but I’ll always have ad-free versions over on my Patreon, and I hope to get a few more episodes done by the end of February, in which case they’ll be over on the page that exists for Reasons.

I… Have… THE POWER!!! fluffy rambles


Over the last week I’ve been getting a solar generation system installed on my roof. Today it finally became operational.

The system itself was designed and installed by Sun Path Electric, which were amazing to work with. I’d gone through the bid process with a few companies (including a fairly shady one that was advertising on YouTube) and Sun Path definitely gave me the best configuration and price, as well as the highest confidence in their ability to execute correctly.

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Doctors, please listen fluffy rambles


I am in chronic pain. I have always been in some amount of pain. It’s become increasingly unbearable over the past 25 years. It’s not just all in my head.

I have always been overweight. I have always had high cholesterol. I have always had high triglycerides. No amount of chiding me about “diet” and “exercise” will change that. I am not lying to you about my dietary habits. I am not constantly shoveling down huge quantities of fast food. I exercise when I can, as much as I can. I mostly cook for myself, and I cook healthy foods.

The thing I eat the most of is salad!

There is probably a link between high triglycerides and fibromyalgia. There is a lot of evidence supporting that. But correlation is not causation. Given my lifestyle and dietary habits it seems unlikely that it’s the triglycerides causing the fibromyalgia. It’s probably the other way around, or there’s a common cause to both that has not yet been identified.

Treating me like a FUCKING CHILD WHO DOESN’T KNOW MY OWN BODY isn’t how to get me to feel better. Instead of just assuming that I don’t understand nutrition and don’t understand exercise and that I’m eating too much and drinking and smoking all the time, maybe. FUCKING. just FUCKING. LISTEN to me.

I promise that I am not lying about these things. I want to get better. It’s why I’m fucking coming to you.

While we’re at it, yes, I have sleep apnea of some sort, but three sleep studies have had conflicting results and either way, CPAP wasn’t helpful, and my most recent sleep study did not support the ongoing use of it. It wasn’t my choice to stop using it, it was AN ACTUAL FUCKING SLEEP DOCTOR who told me to stop using it and who stopped authorizing the refresh of the equipment. Which, you know. Requires a prescription. From a doctor. And I monitor my oxygen and heart rate most nights, and the metrics show that any breathing pauses are brief. And no I don’t want to be having them either! But chiding me for not using a CPAP that I’m not authorized to have isn’t. FUCKING. Helpful.

(And even if I did have obstructive apnea, most signs point to obstructive apnea causing weight gain, not the other way around.)

I am well aware that my lab results are troublesome. I am doing what I can. Don’t infantilize me and assume that I don’t understand that High Numbers Are Bad.

And yes I’ve tried statins and they just make me unable to move at all because of excruciating pain, and the same thing happened with fenofibrate. I’d be taking them if I could! I actually do want to get better! I am not making excuses! I am not being stubborn! It’s not like I have some sort of secret hatred of being on medication. Some people have a weird sense of pride about not taking meds, about seeing them as a failure. I don’t.

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Heart schmeart fluffy rambles


Today I had a followup appointment with the cardiologist following the incident. He said that most of the lab results from the ER were good, but there’s a slight concern from my EKG, and of course he’s concerned about my high cholesterol and triglycerides (as well as borderline A1C), as well as with my family history.

For diagnostics, he’s having me do a treadmill stress test in a couple weeks, and also get an echocardiogram to measure the thing the EKG indicated as a potential issue.

For cholesterol and triglycerides, I told him about my history with statins and fenofibrate causing massive systemic pain problems and muscle failure symptoms, so he’s putting me on Repatha, which is a rather interesting treatment option that involves a biweekly injection of monoclonal antibodies, and which shouldn’t have any bad health effects.

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Breville/Sage Bambino Plus Coffee Talk


When I first started on my home espresso journey, I had an ancient hand-me-down Krups1, but it made awful coffee2. I donated that to a charity shop, as I thought my Aeropress3 and its “espresso-style coffee” was sufficient. Then I added a Fellow Prismo to the mix to add a bit more pressure (and cleanliness), but this still wasn’t espresso. Then my eye got caught by the Flair Classic, which was much better at making espresso but also much fussier. So I started investigating a bunch of home espresso machines, and I decided I wanted the Breville Bambino Plus… but it was pretty much impossible to buy.

After trying to buy it from a few different places, and trying to order a few other machines, I eventually settled on the Gaggia Classic Pro, which I used fairly happily for about a year and a half.

But there were still a bunch of things I didn’t like about it, such as the lack of preinfusion, a difficult-to-use steam wand, and a water tank design that made it way too easy for fruit flies to reenact Hotel California4. So, last November, when the Bambino went on a pretty deep (20%) discount for Black Friday (and when I was already spending large amounts of money getting my kitchen remodeled anyway), I decided to take the plunge and get the machine I’d wanted in the first place.

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Trying to ramp up fluffy rambles


Right now I seem to be in a situation where my brain is fired up about a whole bunch of different things, and I’m trying to figure out how to get myself actually working on any of it in a nontrivial capacity.

First, I was inspired to rewrite/flesh out the next little chunk of Lewi, and I’d like to get to drawing it.

Second, yesterday I had a great idea for a pair of VRChat avatars, which I have a lot of fun ideas for how to do them (especially with how the facial animation systems are going to work).

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Plans and Execution fluffy rambles


Once upon a time I used to be hyperproductive. I’d spend 8 or more hours a day writing code, then I’d go home and draw comics for hours, and then on the weekends I’d write and record music. I’d have pain symptoms as part of it but that just felt like a badge of honor, and that it’d all be worth it someday.

Now I can’t hold down a job at all, I can barely focus on any of those things, and even holding a pencil to start drawing just feels like too much. I have so many ideas in my head and so much shit I want to be doing with my time, but every time I start to work on anything it just hurts too much.

Anyway, I figured I’d talk about a bunch of the stuff I wish I could be working on right now.

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In defense of WebP fluffy rambles


Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of Discourse, especially on Tumblr and Cohost, about how awful webp is and how nobody should ever, ever use it.

You know what other file format I’ve seen this about?


Yes, PNG, the beloved format that everyone can’t live without now and which is a constant “standard.” Which only came into existence after the web was a thing, and getting web stuff to support it was hard.

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Electric vehicles in 2023 fluffy rambles


I’m a pretty unabashed fan of battery electric vehicles.

Well, I am slightly abashed in the fact that I feel like it’d be much better if mass transit were more accessible in more places, and even the most efficient BEV still has some pretty severe ecological issues associated with them (lithium refinement, impact of manufacturing the vehicle itself, parking space, road space, externalities of power production, etc.), but as a form of harm reduction in the society that we are stuck in within the vast majority of the continental US, they’re still way better than internal combustion engine cars, for those whose lifestyles require a car and can accommodate the (vanishing) limitations of a BEV. Even in areas where most electricity is generated by fossil fuels, the environmental impact of charging a BEV (with emissions generated in a centralized location) is much lower than the impact of carrying a little inefficient fossil fuel combustion source everywhere you go.

So, BEVs are an improvement. The thing is, the state of BEVs is pretty abysmal in general, at least in North America. In other parts of the world there’s some pretty compelling vehicles available (such as the MG4) but the US auto market is currently emphasizing large “crossover SUVs” and pickup trucks, and combined with the fascination of maximizing the car’s range, most BEVs coming out here are forced into a situation of having a gigantic battery, raising the overall vehicle price, and therefore meaning that every electric vehicle ends up being some ultra high-end luxury car.

Update (1/16/2023): Added some stuff about the Hyundai/Kia duality that I’d missed previously. Also a change of opinion on the EV6.

Update (3/31/2023): Chevrolet is making a very bad decision

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Reconditioning fluffy rambles


So, a few hours after I posted that last entry, I woke up in bed feeling a squeezing in my chest, pain in my jaw, and a few other heart attack symptoms. I got out of bed, did my best to calm my nerves, and called 911.

The EMTs evaluated me and said they didn’t see anything wrong offhand but my blood pressure was extremely elevated and with my medical history they felt that it would be best if I went to the ER. So, I let them convince me to go in the ambulance, which will probably cost me quite a lot.

At the hospital they did a bunch of work-ups, including blood tests for heart attack markers and a chest X-ray, and nothing turned up. Out of an abundance of caution they put me on an IV saline drip and gave me some aspirin in preparation for whatever other tests might have been necessary.

Within half an hour I was feeling totally fine, and my BP and heart rate returned to their usual levels.

So, I’m pretty sure I was just dehydrated.

I’m not looking forward to the bill, but I’m glad that I’m not dying. The ER nurse recommended that I convince my doctor to refer me to a cardiologist (like I’ve been wanting for quite some time anyway).

Anyway, I guess this is a good reminder to stay hydrated, gosh darnit. One can of seltzer and a decaf cappuccino per day isn’t enough to live on.

Deconditioning fluffy rambles


For the last few days I’ve been feeling anxious and having an elevated heart rate. That’s not just subjective, that’s what my heckin' Apple Watch has recorded. I keep on waking up in the middle of the night with a pounding heart, too. It’s hard to tell if it’s anxiety raising my heart rate or the other way around, but either way, something’s got to change.

The last few months I’ve been particularly sedentary due to a bunch of things (mostly chronic pain but also generally just feeling Meh and not wanting to do anything) and time has been slipping away from me very quickly.

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